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I've got good news and bad news. The good news is I am NOT hopelessly lost in Germany, (see previous post) but rather home, safe and sound! The bad news is it took me an extra night and half a day to get home. The weather was terrible in Atlanta so my plane was diverted to Charlotte, NC, where I had to stay overnight (in a hotel, thank goodness) and rebook to Austin today. I am way too tired to paint or ship today, so I will do it all tomorrow and then go off to teach a 3-day workshop in Salado on Thursday. The painting above is one I did before I left that I never had a chance to post. Now, I will sleep like the dead.
ps. I am way behind on email, so please forgive me if you've emailed and I haven't gotten back to you yet - I will!!
Welcome home!! Rest up!
Beautiful, Carol. I love the choice of ground color, against the dark, rich red of the bowl. Welcome home.
I enjoyed your plein air paintings so much! It's wonderful to see how you can apply your personal style to landscapes, they are gorgeous!
Hope to see more of them soon :)
Best regards,
Whew! You had us worried. :) Welcome home. Sounds like it will be a while before you get a good rest!
Welcome home, Carol! Lovely and the red bowl is dynamite!
Welcome home ... I so enjoyed your wonderful Germany paintings while you were traveling. So ... we returned home from Europe a month ago and our long lost suitcase ... the hang up bag with all of our "nice clothes" for our trip ... that was lost on day three of our two week vacation ... just found its way home today! Gotta love the perils of traveling!
I have enjoyed your German paintings and glad that you made it home safely...but what an ordeal till you got there!!!
As far as travelling around Germany,,,not to worry if your German is not that good,,,find anyone younger than ,,,say...50 and ask for help. Everyone learns English in school here.
welcome back and thank you for your postings from Germany. Now the good weather is here (cooler) will you be continuing with the plein air paintings? It look like you were making huge strides in that area in just the short time you were in Germany.
Welcome back!
Boy - you don't let the grass grow under your feet! I've enjoyed the trip to Germany vicariously through you.
Very beautiful and striking with your complimentary pallet. I adore your works. I am trying to do a painting most days. Some days it simply doesn't work. But for a 70 year old woman artist, I think it's pretty good. At least on the days I'm not able to paint I don't feel too bad about it.
Feels good to get home doesn't it? I also enjoyed your plein air paintings. So nice and in your distinctive style.
Glad you made it home safely. Enjoy seeing some of your colorful juicy paintings. I was in Marshalls the other day and saw a polk dot plate and thought of you. How funny. Wish I was in your class this week. So jealous.
Love your sense of color and eye for composition. It amazes me that you can do this time after time with such perfection.
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