Sunday, June 09, 2024

Bumps and Dots


Click Here to Purchase for $200 - 5x7in. - oil on panel

Here's one I painted months ago and somehow completely forgot to post. I made this bumpy vase years ago out of clay, along with a few other similar ones, and occasionally they make their way into my setups.

Friday, June 07, 2024

The Long Green Shadow


Click Here to Purchase for $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

Glass and apples: two of my favorite things to paint. And green: my all-time, favorite color. Throw in a few lost edges and I'm in painting heaven.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Drawn to Red

Click Here to Purchase for $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

I enjoy when I can pull off a red/green composition without it looking like Christmas.

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Culling the Herd

Click Here to Purchase for $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

Apples seem to proliferate in my studio. I brought in the pigs to help control the population. They're doing a fine job.

Monday, June 03, 2024

Splashy Apples


Click Here to Purchase for $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

Even though I have already painted 391 apple paintings (and probably more), I cannot stay away. They are just so perfect: colorful, usually shiny (great highlights!), no two the same, and yummy.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

After the Ball

Click Here to Purchase for $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

After several tries, I found for this one that the ribbon worked best if I painted the lightest lights first, and then the rest. It was too hard to get those brights on top of any other paint. But to do this I had to get the drawing just right before I started so that everything would go in the right place. And this was after needing about an hour to place and re-place the ribbon a million times before it looked good to me. Haha. Such a challenge!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Looking for the Cotton Candy Jellybean

Click Here to Purchase for $50 - 5x5in. - collage on illustration board

This one came together like magic. I love it.

Funny Fish

Click Here to Purchase for $55 - 6x5in. - collage on illustration board

This was a fun one to make. A combination of my silly little drawings, and papers I made with acrylic paint, all collaged together.

The Essence of the Thing

Click Here to Purchase for $50 - 7x4in. - collage on illustration board

Abstract collage is such a wonderful counter to realism. For me anyway. There is no pressure to make it look real. There is no right or wrong. There is just pure instinctual response. The possibilities are endless.


Click Here to Purchase for $45 - 7x3in. - collage on illustration board

Another little abstract collage. For this one I started rolling and squeegeeing paint directly onto my illustration board, and then gluing paper on top of that. It was a fun change of pace.

Flower Season

Click to Purchase for $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

A tiny arrangement, perfect for a tiny tea party.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Ribbon Cutting

Click Here to Purchase for $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

This is another new Hobby Lobby purchase - ribbon. I love the challenge it presents. Plus it's great to use for presents. Ha.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Rose Tea


Click Here to Purchase for $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

My town recently got a Hobby Lobby. We had them in Texas, so I knew to expect to get lost inside, and I did. I remembered a sizeable flower section, and wasn't disappointed. Fake flowers are getting better all the time. I like them sometimes in a still life because I can do things like this and they don't get all slumpy.

Beach Day

Click Here to Purchase for $40 - 4x4in. - collage on illustration board

This one reminds me of being a kid at the beach, with the sun high in the sky, the water cool at your feet, the seagulls trying to get any morsel of food, and the inevitable sunburn.

Rat Race

Click Here to Buy for $50 - 6x4in. - collage on illustration board

I've always been attracted to pretty simple, graphic designs. For this one I decided to try just one "color," plus gray, black and white. I cut up some interesting shapes first, and then had fun fitting them together. The trick, I found, was cutting up far more shapes than I thought I'd need, and then having a lot to choose from.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Spa Day


Click Here to Buy for $35 - 3.5x3.5in. - collage on illustration board

This is my smallest collage yet. Though now that I'm thinking about it, it might be fun to make some really tiny ones. Hmmm... This is an older collage for me, but I think it's adorable.

If you look closely at my fingers in this next photo you'll see remnants of collage glue that is now a permanent feature.



Click Here to Buy for $75 - 8x8in. - collage on illustration board

This is another little collage collection. Each of the 9 pieces is done on illustration board, and then glued to an 8x8in. piece of white matboard. It will fit perfectly into a standard 8x8in. frame. We thought about affixing each with thin velcro so the buyer could rearrange, but decided it might sag over time and get frustrating. Do you have an opinion? It might help me with future collections. Thanks!

Solving the Riddle


Click Here to Buy $50 - 5x5in. - collage on illustration board

Is it a bird? Is it a bug? What's the riddle? Will it get solved? I don't know but I love the colors.

Eager to Grow Up

Click Here to Buy for $40 - 4x4in. - collage on illustration board

This is a little one. It reminds me of how we want so bad to grow up, and then once it happens we dig our nails in to stop it going further. All in vain.

Doodling Around Broccoli

Click Here to Buy for $50 - 5x5in. - collage on illustration board

This one reminds me of being a kid and forced to eat broccoli. The only way it was ever ok was when it was smothered in the cheese sauce my mom made. Now I like it fine, but it's still better with cheese sauce.