I really simplified the flowers in this one - I find I like this approach the best out of the last 3. Petals are just so so so hard to get right in detail, and I would like to propose that sunflowers are the toughest. If you want a challenge, get some and try it. And if you do, please email me the results - I'd love to see some other approaches. : )
Some subscribers to my email list have written to me saying the images don't show up in the emails they get. I have contacted the service I switched to and they suggest these people check their email clients to make sure background images are allowed. I have no idea why my images are being inserted as background images, but this is worth a try. If you are one of these people and this isn't the issue, please let me know. Thanks for your continued patience!!!
Hi Carol,
I agree about how hard sunflowers are to paint. I like your simplification method. My last attempt was trashed. Today worked on a Gerber daisy..not easy either. I try for too much detail, so then I go back to fruit. Maybe tulips could be my flowers? Love all of your daily paintings..haven't commented in a while but I am watching!
Beautifully done, Carol.
RE images: my service provider hides images until I mark you as "safe". Going out on a limb :) , I did denote you as such, and your images no appear as they always have.
And I agree with you, I like this one the best! The brush strokes there say just enough!
Hi Carol,
I am dying to see some of your internet demo's but at every turn I am unable to access them. Have you stopped this for some reason?
I am living in South Africa, I would give a whole lot to be able to paint as beautifully as you do. Everything about your style inspires me. Would you have any interest in TRAVELLING??? I've four children and it's unlikely I could manage to get back to my home state for a class with you!!
Thanks Melissa
Yes they are hard...but you have done a beautiful job of simplifying their shape and preserving the freshness of the paint.
One reason the images are not showing up could be how the user is viewing their email. Most email programs these days strip out the images by default, until you click a button to display the images.
Chances are pretty good it's not you, it's them!
Most people I know do like constant contact, but there is also: http://www.mailchimp.com
I've never used them myself.
I just love the many different shades of greeny gray setting off the red of the flowers. I love it.
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