
Friday, January 20, 2012

Eggstra Full

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This one has a similar theme to one I posted a few days ago, but with the added square-ish element in the background. Thank you all, by the way, for the comments the other day about eggsistentialism. I kind of get it now. : ) One person sent me a great joke:

A philosophy professor walks in to give his class their final. Placing his chair on his desk the professor instructs the class, "Using every applicable thing you've learned in this course, prove to me that this chair DOES NOT EXIST."

So, pencils are writing and erasers are erasing, students are preparing to embark on novels proving that this chair doesn't exist, except for one student. He spends thirty seconds writing his answer, then turns his final in to the astonishment of his peers.

Time goes by, and the day comes when all the students get their final grades...and to the amazment of the class, the student who wrote for thirty seconds gets the highest grade in the class.

His answer to the question: "What chair?"


  1. Love this post and the painting too. So strongly designed.

  2. Am eggstatic that you liked the joke, Carol! :-)

  3. Un grand sourire sur mon visage grâce à vous...
    Je vous souhaite un excellent weekend.
    Gros bisous

  4. Hello Carol! I am loving your work and blog as always! I like the added dimension the square adds to a shallow depth in this one. I have been considering what to do with a current painting I have started which also has a shallow depth of field. Your painting has again been a great instruction to me! you are so genius!!!

  5. fabulous painting, great joke!
    LOVE these eggs!!!!

  6. What painting?

    LOL sorry, I couldn't help it! Great work and great story.

  7. Beautiful palette :) and love the joke!

  8. Wonderful values and the grays are simply breathtaking!
