
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Egg Stack

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I've been getting quite a few emails lately about my workshops. Although you can't see them all yet, I am booked already for all of 2012 and most of 2013. I also have a list, of about 60 places, that have asked me to consider scheduling with them in the future. I am happy to put anyplace asking on that list, but I make no promises. I am lucky enough to be able to be choosy with where I go. I am also planning to cut back in the coming years to 6 or 8 workshops/yr instead of the breakneck 13 or more I've been doing. I love teaching, but I also love my studio time, and lately I've been yearning for more of the latter.

Here are some answers to questions I get all the time: No, there is no secret list!! I post new workshops as I can and they tend to fill up fast. The best way to get into one is to watch for them and sign up right away. I don't handle the registration, so I don't know when there is a spot open, unless they tell me, which isn't often. I also don't know how long the wait lists are. And no, I will not keep lists of everyone who wants to be notified when I schedule a workshop in their area, sorry.

I am looking into cloning myself as a solution to this problem. : )


  1. Avec cette peinture généreuse des oeufs il y aurait pu y avoir la naissance de nouveaux cours!...
    Je comprends aisément que vous ne puissiez pas tout assurer... Prenez du temps pour vous, c'est nécessaire...
    Gros bisous

  2. I very lucky! I got in a workshop for this coming March. I'm really looking forward to it. But, talking about cloning, I think it would be really cool if Carol would make some DVD's with exercises she uses in her workshops with some demos. I'd love to buy a set! PS- please ship overseas!

  3. Of course I believe everyone should take a workshop with Carol! But having hosted one (so far) in my own studio - I have a word of advice... GET ON THE WAITING LIST and set that week aside. Most likely you WILL get called to come! Carol's workshops are announced so far in advance, something always comes up for a few people. That looooong waiting list definitely gets looked to at the end. Worth it. My 2 cents. :D

  4. You cannot be cloned- you give a wonderful workshop and so much good information. I still refer to the folder you gave out.
    this is an egg-septional painting!

  5. I'd love to take one of your workshops, but I completely understand stretching yourself to far. Have you ever thought about making a DVD from one of your workshops...I think they would sell like hotcakes!

  6. Martinealison, pretty smart girl. Yes, don't forget about yourself!

  7. lmao, I agree with martinealison. Especially taking time for you! But I don't know what's so hard about contacting each and every one of your adoring fans wherever they may live and calculating the closest workshop to them and if you don't have one close or with openings perhaps just schedule on close to where the most people are begging the most, this can be figured out by triangulating your position via satellite and having david create an app...just sayin.....:) I'm very lucky to have been able to take you workshop when I did, even if I was one of the "mistaken extras" ;)

  8. Well, Carol, until the human cloning becomes safer and less expensive, I think you'll just have to get someone to record your workshops and make make some DVDs.

  9. Hi Carol!

    I am hoping my paintings will improve so much after your workshop up here in Toronto that people will be begging me to do a workshop :)

    Thanks for sharing your talent with us - looking forward to meeting you in August!

  10. Amen to the DVDs! I have a feeling they won't put a dent in your workshop numbers. Many of us admire your work so much and hunger to take a peek at your process. Please consider it.

  11. oh MAN!
    color harmony extraordinaire!
    Carol, your simplification and beautiful brushwork make your paintings unique.
    I never EVER get tired of them!
