
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Red Bowl

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You'll never believe it - the best flight I could get back from my workshop in Illinois was via LA, then Seattle, and THEN Eugene. Ack! It's been a long day. I'll wait until tomorrow to report about the workshop. Meanwhile, here is a painting that includes a special red glass bowl I got from my Grandma recently. She is on my mind today.


  1. Wonderful, Carol. Love the composition. I don't know how you do it in such a small space! My favorite thing is the blue reflection on the fork.

  2. Une peinture rafraîchissante... Des couleurs éclatantes et pétillantes.
    gros bisous et joyeuses fêtes.

  3. Beautiful Carol! Your color is always captivating and the small surprises of color add so much excitment to your composition. Merry Christmas!

  4. Carol, I just don't know how you do it - and this one has my mind reeling: The perfect translucency of the glass on the left with its shadow showing through, the light on the tines of the fork, the simplified glow of the oranges - makes me want to simultaneously practice like the dickens and hang up my smock (or the sweatshirt I use as one) for good.
    I visit you often for inspiration, especially when I am stuck. But I do that at my own risk, knowing your work might serve to discourage rather than inspire. Of course that is only because of my own frustration/self-doubt, etc. And I know your answer would be to keep doing it, keep practicing. So I will.
    Just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration, and for providing a skill-building goal for me to work towards - even if, sometimes, it feels out of reach.
    And here's a bug in your ear - Oregon workshop please! ♥
