
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dressed for the Season

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These bananas were feeling awfully left out with all the holiday cheer going on all around them. They demanded a shiny ball.

I am away teaching a 5-day workshop in Aurora, IL, in case you thought I had dropped off the face of the earth. I've got a very interesting group. One keeps falling out of her chair and tripping over things in the class. Another is covered head to toe in paint at the end of each day. The others just wine about how I make them work hard. Come to think of it - this is pretty normal.


  1. LOL, Calamity Jane, she's a hoot! Not sure who you mean about all the paint, but sounds like a blast ;)

  2. Une manière originale de mettre les bananes en fête!
    Belle composition.
    Gros bisous et continuez à vous amuser!

  3. These are wonderful. Love the colors and brushwork as always. What happened to the funny faces project? I was enjoying seeing what you were creating.

  4. I am loving the christmas balls combined with other stuff! Bananas have wonderful brushwork!
    Sounds like another amazing CM workshop. I loved every minute of mine and want another one!! You can teach it all so well! And the push ups every day were good for us:)

  5. Hi Kristen! I mostly paint in watercolor but this past year I find myself drawn to oil paintings.... I love the way you lay down your paint! And this still life is absolutely gorgeous! :)

  6. Fun composition. I always love your clean colors and your confident strokes.

  7. its lovely... i really luv ur wrk!!!

  8. I love the way I lay down on paint too, but Carol does a way better job.....

  9. Carol, I have loved every single silly face you've shared with us! My favorite painting of myself has my eyes crossed and I'm sporting big, red wax lips. It has ended up a permanent fixture in my studio as it makes everyone smile, and it's a good reminder not to take myself so seriously. Critics of silly faces obviously take life too seriously!

    You go girl!
