
Thursday, November 03, 2011

Floppy Hat

I had to start over twice with this one. It was tough. But I loved this face with the big eyes and subtle light. I think it was the subtle light that made it difficult.


  1. Oh, Carol - I love it!! (Are you selling these yet? Can I buy this one? Or are you saving them all for a big exhibit?)

  2. I love all of your face paintings! Your work is inspiring and wonderfully executed! Always a pleasure to visit your blog.

  3. Carol your blog has encouraged me to paint again - I'm a 'very amateur' painter, but haven't painted for years now. I love this sad little face....

  4. You did a wonderful job on this little face. The subtle shifts in her face are such gorgeous colors and I see wonderful temperature shifts. Those huge soulful blue eyes just pull you right in! Love it!

  5. Everything's subtle about this one...the light, her expression. Beautiful blue-gray eyes. LOVE it!

  6. This one reminds me of a story. It's very difficult to put into words, but when you see the expression, the pose; it seems to me that there's more there than meets the eye. Love that.

  7. Beautiful, Carol. The expression so natural, the light delicate. I love it!

  8. One of my favorites of the faces yet. I love the eyes and ... those lips!

  9. Refreshing to hear you had to start over. I haven't seen a painting by you I haven't liked. Sweet.

  10. The light bouncing from his collar to his jaw is ace:)

  11. I love it!!...I believe you indeed have a future as a portrait artist..with your own individual flair!!!

  12. You are doing such a wonderful capturing these facial expressions, Carol! Skin tones are so good, too.

  13. I LOVE this Carol. THat expression is so great. I feel like I am truly catching a glimpse into who this girl. She looks so melancholy, but in a very cute way. And you've done brilliantly with the subtle light. I like how you've not overdone the reflected light on the left side of her face (I have a tendency to make it to pronounced), Harley Brown would be so proud! :)

    I hope you do more of these silly faces you have a gift for portraiture.

  14. I keep checking your faces in hopes that you picked one that I submitted. On the other hand I am really enjoying you stretch your muscles with faces and already you do things I don't dare to do... thanks for that, you're a teacher and you didn't know it!

  15. Thank you so much for doing the AHA interview with your husband. The rest of us are well acquainted with artist's block, but not how to deal with losing everything in a fire and starting over. It was very inspirational to hear you talk about the experience, and how you both are starting over again, and have been set free in a way to follow your dream. What an adventure. And by the way, paint whatever you FEEL like painting--following your heart. You are gifted--and you give the rest of us courage.
