
Wednesday, November 02, 2011


Click Here to Bid

And now for something totally different! Last night I rediscovered the joy of painting the figure from life. I hadn't done it since college, but when my new Eugene friend, Sarah Sedwick, (check her site for her version of Miranda) invited me to the weekly session, I couldn't pass it up. And you can bet I'll do it again. This is 8x10 inches. Since it's my first one I'm starting the bidding low (for the size).


  1. Gorgeous! So nice to hear your are settling into your new life in Oregon. We miss you in Austin but know you share all your wonderful discoveries with us wherever you are!

  2. Wow Carol. I am impressed. I have not seen you do a really close up figure before. I really think this is well done. Cheers, Sandra

  3. Really great job on this Carol, love the skin tones and the brushwork in her hair.

  4. Great job, Carol! I love the way you painted the form and handled those tricky reflected lights. Nice!

  5. Beautiful, Carol. Great skin tones. I so admire how you and your family have made the best of a horrible situation! I know the artists of Eugene are thrilled to have you there.

  6. Amazingly executed! Make me want to find a figure painting night, and makes me wonder what kind of a blurb figure I would get! lol
    Yours is grrreat! How much time do you get to paint this?

  7. It's fun to toggle back and forth between the dif-sized images. I like this painting and the way her hair gets lost in the background. A good model, well lit and painting with friends: OK!

  8. Now you can say "HA" ! I can paint the figure, the head, the auto, the apple, the animal just like the best of them. Impressive !!

  9. Wonderful, Carol! Happy for your rediscovery!! :-)

  10. Renee Finlay11/03/2011 7:01 AM

    Your life journey is truly amazing with new hopes,new home,new painting friends and now a new subject matter to explore. You just continue to inspire with all you do and experience. How exciting to delve into the figure, which is a natural transition from your recent extraordinary portrait series. This remarkable study demonstrates the depth of your capacity to evolve personally and artistically as a student and instructor still fresh from a devastating ordeal.

  11. I have been going to a portrait night at my local art league and LOVE IT. Just being outside of the studio and painting with others is a great change to the studio life. Great painting!

  12. So great to see you spreading your wings with interiors, nudes and such.
    The skin tones are really lovely and I'm a sucker for interiors, love your take on the inn living room.

  13. I'm not a lover of life studies, but you have done an exceptional job here.Well done.
    I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the blog talk radio show today (recorded). I admire and appreciate your honesty as an artist as well as the two of you as a couple in facing the future together after such a devastating event.

  14. Carol.. I like seeing you try different things. Well done!

  15. This is great Carol! I love all your new work.

  16. This is amazing! I love this and hope too see more soon.

  17. Beautifully done! You are inspiring in every way. Love seeing you paint everything you want!
