
Saturday, November 05, 2011

Fall Arrangement

This is my very first, official, non-demo, from life, still life painting since the fire. It's in honor of all the stunning fall color we have here in Eugene. I mean literally we drive down the streets and say WOW! every 2 seconds. I am told it's more stunning than usual and has lasted longer, and it's because there is less rain than usual. I just hope we didn't bring the drought with us!!!


  1. Huzzah for the first official, non-demo, from life, still life!!! It is stunning and you sound happy which is the best. :))))

  2. Carol, I love to see your posts and how you are looking at life. Thank you for letting us join in on your journey. And thank you for being such a kind person. You would be a great neighbor:) BTW, I was in Corvallis last week and was amazed at the colors as well. Blessings and hugs...

  3. The colors are clear and crisp and bright - just like fall!

  4. Lovely first, official, non demo painting from life still life. The colors are so happy. Glad you are loving your new area. You deserve good stuff.

  5. Not sure why but this one feels so good to me. Isn't it cool how a piece of art can move you?

    by the way I understand someone commented a few days back and made you cry! People try to put artists in a box. I like the idea of you breaking out.
    Never fear Carol are just plain GOOD. It shows in anything you paint.

  6. And... it is beautiful! The colors are great and the glass is a perfect addition to the arrangement. I'm so happy for you and your family, already flourishing in your new home. Hugs-

  7. Love this, Carol. I love the colors and the stair-step composition(triangle?). Love the "happy" in your voice.

  8. Love the arrangement, great composition, as usual! These stylish new cups look very happy to be living in the new Carol Marine studio!

  9. Beautiful - inspiring colors!!

  10. So glad to see you're back in action! And in your new home in Oregon, no less. You're as lucky to be there as they are to have you.

  11. Yippeee! Love that orange handle through the glass. Beautiful.

  12. It's more stunning than usual because the Marines have landed and the foliage is just saying,"HI!" And it's great to see that you're back at the easel and doing what you do best.

  13. Lovely...very much a happy painting!

  14. I loveeee this painting..and the color scheme too :) (:

  15. This painting is fantastic and the colors are amazing. I love everything about it.

  16. Great set up and I love the name you chose to go with the gorgeous color!

    Everyone loves fall color, but it is especially fabulous when you have been away from it for several years!
