
Friday, September 16, 2011

Reflecting On Orange

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First of all, the style of my blog has completely changed and I have no idea why. I'll fix it when I get home. Second, a quick update on my class here in Massachussets. They got a little testy these last few days since it's been fairly hot in our studio (that and the push-ups didn't help), but it should be better now that it's cooled off. I can't complain too much about them though because they've been very gentle with me and my new ... "homeless condition", they even laugh at my fire jokes (because I told them they had to so I didn't feel so pathatic). So all-in-all they are a good, supportive bunch. I will post photos soon.

Lastly, I want to unveil my new idea and get some feedback, and hopefully help. I've been wanting to paint people for a while. I've done a few figures, and some small portraits, but I have this hankering to do a whole series of small, silly faces. I figured it would be perfect for the time being since all my props were lost, and I don't have a shadow box, light, studio, etc. I want them to be cropped close and silly, kinda like my self-portrait below (reposting this in case you missed it the first time). So, if you would like to help, please send me photos of yourself, your kids, your grandkids, your friends, anyone, making a silly face. It would be best with no flash. Natural light is good, so go outside. Stick out your tongue. Get silly. Then email me the file. Thank you so much!!!


  1. I love it when you teach a workshop, because I love your humor talking about "the kids!" I am so thankful you can still laugh with all that has happened and it just shows what a wonderful person you are an how attitude is so important in our lives. You are truly an inspiration in so many ways!

  2. Carol, I think that the blog style is down to Blogger updating and releasing an improved site.

  3. Carol, I admire your wonderful, upbeat attitude and sense of humor. It is what helps us get through the worst of times. You ARE an inspiration!

  4. Great idea about the faces. I'm sure you'll get lots of photos, but this may also be of interest -- when I taught h.s. art, I used this book for a few of my projects - it's a really great reference: "Facial Expressions" . . . here's the Amazon link if you're interested.

    Best of luck to you in all your new endeavors!

  5. GREAT idea! Silly faces would be a fun series!!! :-D

  6. Awwww, I saw your blog style looking almost like mine and I was happy, and then I read it was by mistake! Bummer! ;)
    Good to read your humorist self is still strong and smiling.
    I'll see if I find some photos worth submitting for you funny faces call.

  7. Hahahaha, having just quickly scrolled down past the text and spotting the word... self portrait, i seriously wasn't expecting an expression like that.
    Fantastic painting though, full of great colour and wonderful brushstrokes. Also so refreshing to see a fun portrait with an unusual and 'unexpected'expression. Portraits are always usually so serious.

  8. It's so lovely to hear your voice again, and so positive too! (Over here in France, been sooo worried about you!) I love this painting and what a great theme to go with...can't wait to see what you come up with! You're a star!

  9. I can't wait to see how these faces come out! I'll try to send one of me!

  10. I LOVE your new blog layout, and I must say that you can tinker with it ever so easily and make your pictures LARGER than ever, with no loss of clarity. Plus I think it looks cleaner without the black, imho.
    Looking forward to more of your people paintings!

  11. Hi Carol. Firstly, I continue to be amazed at your resiliant attitude to the fire. My parents lost their house some years ago so I know how difficult it can be. The fact that you are turning such a negative into a positive (by moving to a new place and changing your work to portraits) is really gutsy. I am a portrait artist and have been trying to do some daily paintings too, as separate things, but just realised they can be blended. So just getting into this blogging thing too, but yes faces are facinating and I think you will have a lot of fun with them. Best wishes from a fan in England. Helen

  12. Hi Carol. I am a fan. I haven't checked in for a coons' age, but now have the opportunity. My God, I cannot believe you lost your house and new studio.

    I feature your blog site on my MooPig Paint site in the side panel Fav Blogs.... you turned me onto the "Painting a Day" groove.

    Though I have't taken your seminar, I have been practicing with your style and wit, some smaller canvases. It takes a lot of restraint on smaller sizes. At first I was frustrated, but am picking up the rhythm. Thanks for your "unknowing" help -- through your blogged pictures and text.

    One never knows what the heck is going to happen next!

  13. You are such an inspiration! I was thrilled to see another post from you and to know that you and your family are moving forward. And, with such a great attitude! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  14. I actually like the new blog layout - so cool, so fresh looking... And your faces are going to be the BEST - so fun! We back here in the east continue to keep you close in our thoughts. It was just wonderful to see you in person after hearing about your loss. GO girl! xoxo

  15. Hi Carol,

    I've quietly admired your art for a long time now, and I am growing to admire you for a multitude of completely non-art related reasons. You and David are good people!

    I have two boys that are all about silliness! I will see if I can come up with photos for you.

  16. You could never look that weird. You made it up ;)
    The painting is wonderful. Neutrals and values are right on.
    I never get tired of these beautiful paintings dearest.

  17. Here is my latest silly face:

  18. You're a special person Ms Marine. What a fabulous self portrait and in the wake of such calamity and loss! What a WOMAN! Thanks for being such a Bold & Brave artist and carrying it all forward. GOOD on ya!~
