
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Orange Overflow

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I have a lot to report, but I'll start with a recap of the workshop last week. It was good for me to be busy, and as I said in an earlier post, my kids were very patient with me. As a thank you, I promised them I wouldn't complain about them. So I'll complain about driving in MA instead - it's crazy! I got lost more times than I can count because of my stupid, borrowed GPS, poor signage and bad directions, and almost hit another guy in a rotary because he was being an idiot. (breathe) Here are my kids being awfully studious:

Below are my first couple of demos. I had to borrow all the props, panels and medium (thank you guys!), but in the end everything turned out ok.

Below are my kids and me in the middle. You guys were fabulous - thank you so much for everything!! (more below)

I am home now and have started fixing my blog. I decided to run with the lighter background. I even put in a new header - check it out. I haven't retrieved all the "stuff on the right," and I'll need some help with that (more later). Also to report, while I was in MA last week David (hubby) was in Oregon finding us a new house, in Eugene! We will be leaving this weekend with the camper and car. It should take us about a week to get there. I'll post pictures when I get there. Tomorrow we'll be seeing our old "house" for the first and last time. I hope to find some little memento in the ashes. We'll see. More soon ...


  1. Carol - Welcome to Eugene! I hope we can meet soon! You're going to love it here.

  2. Good luck, Carol and David. You know that your friends all over the U.S. are wishing you all the best! Have a great trip. Best wishes in you new home.

  3. Again, I know I keep saying this but I mean it, you are one amazing woman! I wish yall a safe trip and I look forward to seeing your new place! I know good things are ahead for yall.

  4. Carol you are such an inspiration with your positive attitude and resilency!! Love your new work and wishing you and your family the very best as your make your new move!

  5. Oh Carol, we are wishing you the very, very best!!! Just think how many caring hearts are following you to Oregon. Your moving is Texas' loss!!! I hope you'll take a little vial of Texas soil with you. It's part of who you are. Best wishes and a big hug!

  6. Like the new header!
    Eugene, that will be fun!
    Will you have snow?

  7. Oh yes, that's a lot of oranges!

  8. I read about your new house in Oregon in David's blog. It sound great. I hope you can be settled down soon. I like your idea of the faces for painting. Love your work. Saludos.

  9. Beyond your talent, your attitude and optimism is an inspiration to everyone. Wishing you and your family a soft and happy landing in Oregon.

  10. Read about your new home in the Daily Paintworks News. Sounds perfect! I wish you and your family safe travels to Eugene. Love the new look of your blog

  11. It's a beautiful painting as always. You and David show so much grace in the face of such a traumatic loss. I wish you the best in your new home!

  12. The new look for the blog is good - I think I know the rotary you are talking about - safe travels to Eugene -

  13. Hi Carol: I looked in amazement at your demo pieces from your workshop. That you were able to pull it together and paint THOSE AMAZING PIECES despite all that you are going through is totally astounding. You are one strong woman!

    I hope your new home in Oregon will be a great fit for your family, and I hope the residents of Eugene grow to appreciate your family and your rare and extraordinary talent. I hope you were able to find a momento (or several) from your former home.

    While I like your idea for the portraits, I hope that you never give up being Grand Champion of the contemporary Still Life. Inanimate objects throughout the world pay homage to you for giving them a voice, and a "forever" image via your lovely and lively paintings. I am registered for one of your future workshops, and hope and pray that Still Life will rule supreme. We are keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

  14. Kay Christopher9/18/2011 8:01 PM

    Carol, you and David are an inspiration. A marvel, really. Glad to hear you will soon have a new home in the place you have dreamed of living. Have a good trip and look forward to hearing more. Blessings to all!

  15. Love the new blog banner & look! Best wishes on the next chapter in your lives! Oregon will be so lucky to have yall!

  16. LOVE your new header! And your demo's are just gorgeous - lucky people own them now! I know some of the folks in that class - what a great group. Good luck on your road trip to Eugene - what an adventure and unforgettable time for the 3 of you.

    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow as you visit your old home (site), and wishing for you to find something good. xo

  17. I LOVE the new look especially the header. I need to figure out how to do that.
    You're right on about the signage here. It's a bad joke even for the natives!
    XO Bon voyage!

  18. Lot of good looking women in one place. I'm just saying..

    Oh yeah, I liked the paintings too.

  19. Welcome to Oregon Carol, great choice!
    My mom is from Texas and she loves it here! Just get outside in the winter, it makes all the difference!

  20. Wishing you the very best in your new home and loving the new fresh look to your blog xx

  21. Just beautiful as always (blog, still life paintings, etc.).

    I, too, am amazed and uplifted by your attitude. You are a guiding light for America! Yep. All of us! You are truly making something beautiful from the ashes.

    The photos of the group appear to be taken in an orangish light. Do you use a filter on your light bulbs? Even your lighting is cheerful!

    God bless you! Truly His hand is on you!

  22. I love the grace that you and David have shown while handling all the events these last few weeks. I am so tickled for you all to have found a wonderful new home to go to in Eugene. Only wish it was Athens:) Love the painting and the new look on the blog. I am hoping when y'all visit your old homestead that you come away with peace and yes, a little treasure too. Take care!

  23. We've been holding you guys in our hearts. I so admire the grace with which you've handled this heartbreaking turn of events --and Texas's loss is Oregon's gain. Travel safely, dear friend.

  24. Hope you have an awesome (and VERY UNADVENTUROUS) trip to Eugene. Driving in Massachusetts requires at least two, five, maybe ten years to adjust to. But the idiots never go away... Would love to meet you some other time you come here...

  25. I love your new header AND the new look!

    Obviously it's a startover/makeover in more ways than one! I can't believe how much you've done since the fire - but "needs must" I guess. Truly inspirational though.

    If you just changed the template and saved the old first you shouldn't have too much difficulty importing stuff into a new template.

    When i'm doing changeovers the things I have to remember are:
    * stats code
    * google ID code
    * feedburner / subscription stuff
    * any extra codes for tracking stuff which are hidden

    Which is why I save the template first! I go snooping through it afterwards to see what I've forgotten!

    Good luck with the journey and the transfer. I guess the one good bit about this is you don't have to pack first! Even though I'm sure you must be wishing you could. I hope you find that memento you'd like to have. Maybe take some of the soil or charred wood if you can't find anything?

  26. Whooo - Hooooo
    Yer moving here! Almost to Portland!!!!!!!!!

  27. Hi Carol and Family,

    I hope all good things come to you in your new home and on your great adventure. What a beautiful part of the country to settle in. You may find you are doing more landscapes, as well as your cup and saucer friends and your new "people". Mainstreet Art Centre and all your devotees here in Lake Zurich, IL await your new artistic creations.

  28. Wow. The way you both handled this is truly inspirational.
    You say maybe you'll think about leaving this tinder box that is Texas...
    BAM're off to Portland. Just like that.
    My hat's off to you, and I wish you all the best.

  29. Awwwww. We will miss y'all. Surely you will come back to see us here in Austin.
    My heart goes out to you, Carol. You are always welcome out here at our place. Much love, Suzanne

  30. Margie O'Hara9/20/2011 4:33 PM

    Carol, It's not what happens to you in life, it's how you handle it. I admire a strong woman. Good luck on your next adventure.

  31. Did I mention that I Love this painting...oh... and Frank loves it too :D

  32. Wow, Carol. I always wondered why such a great painter wasn't living in Oregon. Little did I know that you had planned to move here all along, just not so soon. I'm sorry that it's under such dire circumstances, but you will love it here. I'm a native and wouldn't live anywhere else. (And now I finally get to take one of your workshops!)

    When you're finally settled and have some time you will want to explore the south coast; Bandon-by-the Sea is special. Drive safely and we'll see you when you get here.
