
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Considering Everything

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I pulled everything together enough to make it to Massachusetts to teach a workshop, which starts tomorrow. It's late and I need to get to sleep, but I wanted to write real quick and say - things are ok. My husband and I are planning to relocate to Oregon. To read more about it check out the Daily Paintworks blog.

I still haven't made it through all my email (I have about 700 more to go, and that doesn't include Facebook messages). I continue to be absolutely blown away by the kind words, stories and support flowing in. It's almost made this experience ... easy? Ok, not easy, but WAY WAY WAY better than it would have been otherwise. Ya'll don't even know how much you've helped. Really.

As I mentioned a week ago, I managed to salvage all my small paintings, so I'll post until they run out. I have an idea formulating for what happens after that, and I'll run it by you in my next post. Stay tuned ...


  1. I'm so impressed with your dedication to your art and your students. Best wishes to you...and take moments to just BREATHE when you need it!

  2. Love this painting- just good to see one- ya know? Glad to hear you are hanging in there. Thinking of you and glad you are taking some time- just good to hear you are okay. All will fall into place- can't wait to hear. Hugs to you and hope you get some Kelley time...wish I was with y'all:) A prop box to beat all will be on its way soon:)

  3. I think you'll love Oregon - we moved here sight-unseen and absolutely adore it. The people are really friendly, the summers are gorgeous, it's totally family-oriented, I could go on and on....We live in Eugene, and I'd love to show you around if you and your fam are ever close by!

  4. Love & blessings to you all in your move to Oregon! Wishing you the best,

  5. Glad you are doing okay and teaching this week. It may be hard but you are so good at it and it is a gift. I was hoping for Tennessee, but I guess Oregon will be good too! Take care - you are one inspiring person!

  6. Can't believe you are managing all this And getting back to teaching. You're an amazing woman. Very exciting plans for your move to Oregon - I have a brother outside of Portland, in Mulino, a charming rural area. I know he and his wife would be happy to provide info etc if you are heading to that part of the state! Take care!!

  7. Carol, I have tried numerous times to post to Davids Blog, but to no avail. I am so sorry for your loss and can't imagine what you have been through as a family. I read that you plan to move to Oregon. I have to echo the sentiments of my fellow Oregonians...WELCOME! I have lived in other states and this is by far the best and most beautiful. One consideration for your move is proximity to an airport for Carol and her workshops. PDX here in Portland is the only major one. Sure it rains, but that's why it's beautiful here. The eastern part of the state is so much hotter and dryer and not nearly so green. Good luck on this next adventure in your lives. Some good things can come from a tragedy.

  8. I'm glad to hear you doing ok. I know not great, but okay. You're an amazing person with a big heart who has touched many peoples lives. Wow big move, how exciting. I'm a little sad to hear your moving out of the Austin area though. I love the teal in this piece. Such a rich color.

  9. I have always been a fan of your work, but I am now so impressed with how strong you and David are at such a difficult time. I am very excited about your future plans and the rebuilding.

  10. Carol...I truly admire and am amazed by your attitude through this ordeal. I wish you and your family all the best.

  11. Carol, I wish I knew you personally, maybe one day. I can't image the feeling of what you've gone through. I want to thank you so much for creating DPW.

  12. Happy to see that you made it here to MA. You must be drained, but maybe this diversion will help a bit. I just finished a workshop with Dreama Tolle Perry at the Parish Center for the Arts where I was so fortunate to take your workshop last year. You were in our thoughts for sure. All the best.

  13. I am sorry to hear of your loss, but you all seem to be weathering the storm well... so thankful that you and your family are safe and unhurt...

  14. Carol, I'm so relieved to hear that things are getting better following this catastrophic event, and that you are teaching your workshop, even!

    Life is anything but predictable, and it sounds like you and David have made the most of a bad situation with your decision to move to Oregon. How exciting!

    Keep hanging in there, and know that we're all supporting (and rooting) for you and your family :)

  15. That's good to hear. If you move to Oregon I Southern Oregon is beautiful, and a great place to live. Bend is really nice too if you don't mind the cold.

    Best wishes,


  16. Carol, you guys are just amazing!! I live outside of Portland in West Linn. You all probably have lots of offers and connections in Oregon, but our doors are always open and we have lots of room and a big studio space! We'd love to connect you to our other art peeps too!!Please, please call when you get here!!

  17. So inspired by your strength to go ahead with the class in Massachusetts and that your family has already zeroed in on a new location. My sister just moved to Hillsboro, Oregon (SE of Portland). She is loving it and says the best part is that they have so many opportunities to visit the beautiful countryside whether it be mountains, forest or the ocean. Praying daily for you.

  18. I read what happened on the Lines and Colors blog and wanted to say how sorry I am! When I can afford it I will send a little something to (hopefully) help. After reading a little of your blog and your hb's paintworks blog you both seem like amazing people! I hope you and your extended family will find happiness in Oregon, a location I hope to get to one day myself(I'm actually only 4 hours away) So wishes from me for a happy future! Yours, debi :)

  19. Kay Christopher9/12/2011 9:34 PM

    Carol, am so heartened to hear of your plans to move to Oregon. And it is wonderful that you ALL are going! Although you have lost your belongings here it is wonderful that you see this as an opportunity to fulfill a dream you and David have had. Wishing you many blessing now, as you make the journey, and in your new home and studio to be!

  20. I have been keeping up with your news, the fire, all of it. I am so sorry you had to go through this trauma. I am hoping for a quick recovery and fast adjustment to your new lives in Oregon, even though I wish you were moving here to Ma.!! Best wishes, prayers and happy thoughts to you and your family. I shared with you at one of the workshops I attended the episode in my life when my childhood home was destroyed by a huge gas leak explosion, the house soared up into the air and landed while on fire...while we were inside...I was only 7 years old. We all survived with minor injuries. We lost all our belongings. It was such a tough time. I am thinking of you Carol, it is hard to start over but so good to be alive! It is wonderful that you are loved by so many people! God Bless!

  21. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You're a real trooper and like a Phoenix, you'll rise up from the ashes and create a brand new life for youselves. I admire you for your dedication and trying to keep some normality during this chaotic period of your life. All the BEST Carol!

  22. Hang in there, Carol. In 2008 my office of 15 years burned to the ground with 30 years' worth of writing, books toys, mementoes, art and other stuff -- including all of my computer backups. I saved my financial records, one painting, and a charred toy train engine. All of my creative and professional work, including any resume, was gone.

    But, like you, I had insurance, and it turned out to be a blessing: it enabled me to transition more into painting, and to rethink a lot of the ways I had been living my life. Just as you are rethinking Texas, perhaps this fire will enable your personal and creative life to emerge like a Phoenix (not suggesting a destination!) and be reborn again better than ever. The bottom line is you have your family intact. That is the truly irreplaceable; the rest is just stuff, I learned.

    It's a tough experience, though -- my thoughts are with you.


  23. My name is Donna, and I live in Los Angeles. I wish you and your family all the best. I've been following your daily paintings postings, and would like to take one of your workshops one of these days. I am so saddened by your loss, but I sense your strength and the bond within your family, and am confident you all will grow from this and that there are even more wonderful things coming your way. Most importantly, the three of you were not physically harmed.

    I feel as though I know the three of you, through your postings and am charmed by so many of your paintings and thank you for sharing such intimate part of your life with people you don't even know.

    I wish you all the best.

  24. Be still my heart! I live in Oregon and the thought of a Carol Marine workshop here makes my teeth chatter.

    You couldn't ask for a more beautiful state, and there's any kind of geography you want here.

    So sorry you had to go through this loss, but Oregon will be happy to have you!

  25. I'm telling're my HERO! how did you pull it together to go teach? I would still be staring off into space and scratching my head. You must have angels carrying you.
    By all means come to Oregon. Come to the coast where it's cool and beachy.
    NO wildfires here just quiet and beautiful landscapes/seascapes.

  26. Yesterday there was an interview on Denver NPR with someone who started a blog when she lost her house (a year ago) in the Four Mile Fire west of Boulder. She said that, in general, we don't have ways of dealing with grief, we'd just rather look for the silver lining and move forward. But it takes more than that...
    Here's the link to her blog:

  27. You sound like a strong woman/wife/mother who after all of this will be standing stronger and loving more.
    Oregon is a beautiful state. You will have new things to paint, make new friends, and make new memories. Take care.

  28. There was an interview yesterday on Denver NPR with a woman who started writing a blog (a year ago) after she lost her house in the Four Mile Fire just west of Boulder. She said that, in general, we don't want to deal with grief, we'd rather look for the silver lining and just move on. But it takes more than that...
    Here is the link to her blog:

  29. Dear Carol Marine,

    In 1952, sculptor, Jacques Lipchitz lost his entire studio and its entire contents due to a fire. Like the phoenix he arose from the ashes to rebuild and produce more fabulous work. You too!

    I see you as an icon in the art world. Bless you and your family! You are a great spirit!

  30. Hi Carol,
    My name is Gretchen Lopez and I teach at the Sedona Arts Center. I love and greatly admire your work, just a note to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! We too, have been close to evacuation, living here in Flagstaff, from forest fires. Too close to call. We had no time to think or plan, what is the first thing we grab?
    Our hearts are with you and your family.

  31. May God strengthen you and prosper every move you make! You are an inspiration! I just adore the way you have handled everything. Praying for you!
    Your art has it roots deep inside a powerhouse- you are amazing!

  32. Admire your spirit.
    WE have a home in the mountains in Western NC. There is plenty of room for you to park your camper, if you would like to explore the Asheville area, on your new journey
    Best Regards

  33. You'll LUV Oregon, and Oregon's gonna luv YOU.

  34. You are a real class act, Carol!

  35. Oregon??? Oh my goodness, I visited there last summer. It is beautiful. I told my husband I would love to live there. I have a cousin who lives in Portland and he says he is never leaving!

    Good Luck and may God Bless you and your family...

  36. Where in Oregon are you planning to go. I'm in Eugene, and if you are going to be doing workshops in Oregon, I'd like to be on your list... Thanks, George Turner
