
Tuesday, September 20, 2011


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This lovely wooden duck (gone now) was given to me by my buddy Don, in California. I enjoyed painting it. And speaking of gifts, I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you who have sent art supplies, gift cards, books, music, emails, etc. We are so incredibly grateful for the support. I can't say it enough. And many thanks to all of you who've sent funny face pics already. We've been running around tying up loose ends, and will be until we leave, so I won't be able to paint again until the 6th of October. But I can't WAIT to get started on my new project. I have so many wonderful images to work from. Please keep sending them.

Yesterday we went to visit the old "house". I posted some photos on the building my studio blog - the last chapter of that one. I dug through the ashes and found a few still life objects - none useable except maybe one cup. I also found my little travel turp can, shown below. It was sad but we are glad to have seen it. It proved good closure for us. Now on with the adventure!


  1. That's a sign that you need to paint on!!! Good luck to you and your family! Look forward to your funny face paintings.

  2. First thought is that you and David ain't no pushovers:) I am so proud and marvel at the grace and strength y'all are showing. So glad you got that closure and that you feel so good about moving forward. There is a reason for everything and you just have to trust. I am sending thoughts and prayers for safe travels and a wonderful start up in Oregon. Take care friend!!

  3. Wow. Nothing but the memories. Again, wishing you all the best, Carol.

  4. so sorry to hear about the fire. Even though I don't know you personally, my heart goes out to you. My husbands family had a fire when he was a kid and it become the meridian of time fr them. I like your attitude, for a new adventure. I try to paint everyday, but never seem to get there. Thanks for being an inspiration.

    Sharon L. Graves

  5. Of all the things to find at the sight! (I know how much it means to you! ) That is a real positive sign!
    Best wishes

  6. I have a silly photo but... I hope you don't completely abandon your lively, not so 'still' lifes.
    They are really special.

  7. Wonderful shot of the turp can Carol, the indomitable art spirit surviving the fire. It has been an inspiration to watch you gracefully navigate this enormous transition in your life.


  8. carol - i saw the photos on your horrid for you all - but..from out of the ashes...and how wonderful to have found that little porceline cup from germany - i'd love to send you a few things but don't have an address - maybe best to wait til you're settled? not so much stuff to move? it's time to get on with the adventure and..remember..."every every getting better and better!"

  9. Beautiful thoughts of gratitude and being in the present.I love your attitude!

  10. That's the perfect way to leave it. (I look at my own little turp keeper with renewed respect!) We look forward to your adventure, and your sketches! Will you be keeping a Journal of the trip?

  11. I love adventures! Lots to look forward to.

  12. Hi Carol,
    I also send my most positive thoughts your way. Best wishes to you and your family. Your attitude is as inspiring as your art.
    My parents moved to Oregon after their house burned in 2007. Definitely more moist than Texas! We just drove along the Umpqua river towards Reedsport in August and I found myself wondering why I didn't live there instead of Vermont... Beautiful.
    (from one of your kids, Amesbury,MA,6/2010)

  13. Just remember that without this tragedy, you would have never known what an impact you and David have had on the art community! What a blessing that you know.

  14. Wow. Strangely symbolic and poignant really: your child's pool, a cup from Germany and your turp can. Listen, I too have a package I'd like to send but like Susie, thought I'd wait till you were settled in Eugene. Will you post an address when you're ready? Thanks and love to all of you!

  15. For what it's worth, I'll be sending you another Chubby Mouse once you're all settled in.

  16. Wishing you the very best on your new adventure each day as it comes!

  17. I only wish you and your family the best of luck, Carol! You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I'm looking forward to your future paintings!!

  18. Your paintings make me happy - so sorry for your loss.

  19. Won't your first daily painting done in your new studio in your new home in your new town in your new state be special? Here's to new beginnings!
