
Tuesday, September 06, 2011


We have been stumbling around like zombies for the past couple of days, gathering up the essentials for living, after hearing from a neighbor that his friend went out to confirm our house is completely gone. And so many others as well. As far as we know the fire is STILL burning. We are incredibly fortunate to have a "home" still, even if it is 24 feet long and about 8 feet wide. And as so many others have said, we are incredibly fortunate to be alive, and to have each other.

David and I (and Jacob, 6, who is fine, by the way, and has been a real trooper through this whole thing) have been blown away - more than words can express - by the emails and comments and phone calls and offers of support, and not to mention the generous and completely unexpected fundraiser ... I have tears in my eyes just writing this. It means more to us than I could EVER express. We feel so incredibly loved.

As of now we have a place to live, and all the essentials. I will be teaching in Massachusetts next week and then we will begin figuring out what "next" means for us. We are seriously considering abandoning this tinder box we call Texas. I will keep you posted.

Again, thank you all SO SO SO much. Words cannot express how much your support means to us through this hard time.


  1. You guys are amazing! So glad you're safe and together. Can you post a link to the fundraiser for those of us who follow you online? I'd be honored to be able to contribute in some way to helping you get that fresh start.

  2. So sorry. Will keep you in my prayers each day.

  3. I just saw this-- I'm so sorry for the loss of your home, and all the others who are suffering. I hope good comes out of this for you.

  4. Sending lots of good wishes. Thank you for keeping in touch with those of us who have been touched by you! Kind thoughts from Canada.


  5. I have thought about little else since I heard this news on Sunday. You know how much you mean to so many and I am one that has been so inspired and uplifted by you and your teaching and kind heart. I am glad to hear you guys are okay and I know this is a trying time. Come live in Tennessee! We would love to have you and David and Jacob! But seriously, you are loved and admired by so many, and I just want to make sure you know that.

  6. Art has more tentacles than anyone realizes. I'm glad you're safe and your family as well. You'll get to your next chapter soon...


  7. Sorry about all of this. You should come out the the suburbs of Chicago...we have all four season and sometimes all in one day. Seriously, though, I hope you guys can get back into a normal life soon.

  8. Carol. If you need it, I can help you out with a place to live. Have David give me a call. 423-1792. Mark Price.

  9. Carol, you, your husband and son are very brave in the face of a devastating event. So glad to hear that friends, family and DPW'ers are giving you so much support. You are right in the fact that you are all fortunate to have escaped without personal injury, and I'm sure that helps to ease the emotional impact of all that's happened. All the best for good guidance in your next step forward.

  10. Come to Seneca Lake in the Finger Lakes of New York. The most beautiful place in the US. Way too much to paint every day! Look it up on the internet. So glad you are safe. I follow your work every day. You have so inspired me to make a living being an artist. Thank you and good wishes for you and your family. Hang in there...

  11. Hi Carol,

    I am so sorry to hear about your house. You and your family are handling this tragedy so well, I am not sure I would be so gracious. The forethought of bringing your small paintings was a brilliant move. Your artwork has always been an inspiration to me and now your family has been added to that list of inspiring people.

    I wish you & your family the best and I hope you find your dream house!!

    All The best,
    Barbara Ruble

  12. Carol, Your attitude, and can do spirit, are so admirable! Hats off to you for putting one foot in front of the other, and going forward! You are so right, you have your family, and the essentials, the rest will fall into place! One step at a time!
    Wishing you wonderful things to come!

  13. Your family and talent in tact and safe - the BEST news! In our hearts and prayers.
    British Columbia Canada

  14. Shocking. I'm so sorry. You are welcome here...always. You're positive attitude is inspiring and you can have anything of mine that you want. Just give me an address and I'll ship it.
    Love you.

  15. My heart goes out to you. I am also an artist.

  16. Dear Carol David Jacob,
    The breath was literally sucked out of me when I read this. I've been busy working on deadline commissions and haven't been checking site regularly, so this is first I've heard.

    Literally there are no words to express how much this hurts to hear. Yes, you all are safe and sound in health and mind. Blessings. Blessings. Blessings. But the shock must be overwhelming. The good spirit evident in your post WILL get u through. Change, even unwelcome or shocking change, can be an opportunity for growt and peace. I hope this will be true for all of you.

    I can only offer this observation that I pray helps. My husband and I are older than you folks and not in the midst of raising a family, so this discovery I'm going to mention will have different meaning for your family. But the lesson to be shared is about one idea: simplicity! Each year for the past 5 years, we've been giving away things faster than u can imagine. I've come to see accumulation of things as a Western "disease" (well, that's a bit dramatic!). We fill up ourselves and our living spaces with things that demand our attention and fragment our focus. Each thing we collect taps us on the shoulder begging for a bit of our time. It's a dead end street. There is so much we need to be doing and should be doing as members of this world citizenship we are all a part of. Things distract us. Each time we clean house, 2 months later we discover more we xan do without. And we were not pack rats at all to begin with!!! The freedom we r experiencing is delicious and soothes the soul.

    So I am hoping that u will experience some sort of graceful simplicity through this tragic event. I pray that all will work out well and that all will be comforted.

    Keep us posted.

    Warm Regards, Marie Martin.

  17. Thinking of you through this rough time.

  18. Thanks so much for the update Carol.

    I'm sure there are phases to dealing with the loss of one's home... just as in the stages of grief. Sending you and everyone who's been affected by this tragedy good thoughts for getting through it.

    I'm over in Santa Fe and can show you around (fellow painter as well as sculptor) if you're interested!

    Longtime reader and occasional poster on your blog. Big fan of your work. Love to you all.

    ps... here's some more info on Carol's situation for any of the readers who might be interested

  19. I am very sorry about this Carol. There are no words for this. You are strong and will get it. Like you said, you have each other. All others are made. Only humans are unique. You have the love and positive thinking of all of us.

  20. Carol, i am so sorry to hear of the fire. sending you good wishes for 'next' and glad to hear that you and your family are safe.

  21. Carol, I haven't met you before but have been reading your name for quite awhile in some of the blogs I follow. I am so sorry to hear of your loss, but too am grateful that you are all ok. I know from personal experience that the artist circle of bloggers are absolutely the best and finest people we could ever know. So many jumped to our aid when we went through some turmoil last year. We couldn't have come through without them.

    Keep your chin up, enjoy this time together in tighter quarters. I hope and pray that all good things come to you and your family, rather like the proverbial phoenix.

  22. Carol,

    I'm so sorry to hear you have lost your house! That is so horrible. When I was a child, our house mostly burned down and my dad's studio in the garage took the worse of it. I still have some of his drawings with "crispy" edges, but I know it was a hard set back for him. I hope that with your wonderful spirit you and your family will find an even better "next!"

  23. Carol, Thoughts and prayers still being sent y'alls way. Take some time to regroup- the right decisions will come. Take care and let us know anything else we can do for y'all:)

  24. Very sorry to hear your bad news, total bummer. Best of luck with figuring out 'next'.

  25. Dear Carol, I am so sorry to read that everything is gone. I send all my love to you and your family. I am happy that you are safe. If I can do anything for you here from Germany please let me know.

  26. I just want to let you know that I am thinking about you and your family and think you guys are great. Your positive energy, which you have a lot of, will get you through this I'm sure.

  27. Carol, I am so sorry for all of you who have lost your is so weird because we are inundated with rain in VT. and have been dealing with folks here whose homes have washed down the river and the roads exist no more....many prayers for you and your family and for your future settling in a new place..couldn't get inot your MA workshop but I sure it will be wonderful...

  28. Hi Carol, I'm just now finding out about your terrible disaster. Words cannot express my emotions. I'm happy to hear your family is fine and luckily you do have a place to stay temporarily.

    MA? The north country is a beautiful area... Have you checked out Maine??? Just a thought.

    Be well.

  29. Have been thinking about you constantly, Carol. Have looked at your studio (sob) and your books (happy to know the paintings are in good homes). Will be sending help through Karin Jurick...
    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger... (didn't make this up) and I can tell you have the guts and character to carry on, girl!

  30. If anyone would like to make a donation to help Carol and David get back on their feet, you can do so here:

    Many thanks!

  31. With this terrible event comes opportunity...I hope so and wish you and your family well.

  32. Dear Carol and family -- I could not believe the videos of that fire, how absolutely terrifying it was. Thank God you are safe ... wherever you choose to make your new home, I'm sure it will be filled with beauty, love and happiness -- because that is who you are.
    My heart is with you. And welcome to Massahchusetts next week <3

  33. please know you are in our prayers for rebuilding your lives. Your 'extended family' of followers are here to help in any way we can!

  34. Sorry to hear of your terrible situation!
    I just cant imagine losing all those little things and memories that make a home a home.
    Its wonderful to hear that your family is safe of course!
    I have so loved following your blog and hearing the snippets of your life and wish you all the luck in the world re-building and getting back on track!
    Best wishes x

  35. Our hearts go out to you and your Family, I am so very sorry to hear of your lose.
    I was wondering where I might find information on the fundraiser as I am sure many are. I also wanted to ask if there is a P.O. Box or address where things could be sent to get them to you.
    You have been a tremendous source of inspiration and encouragement to a very large art community. It is truly grand to see that community now coming together to be of whatever help we may be in such a tuff time.

  36. I can only imagine what it feels like to lose your home. I do know that we are all a global family, and family helps out when one of its members are in crisis. I know there are a lot of people sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.

  37. OMG Carol!
    I'm so glad you and your family is safe. Crap happens, but I think many people will step up and help you through this. People are amazing and so are you.

  38. Another voice from the blogger world...although we've never met, your work and generous spirit have touched me, no surprise it's coming back to you now. I pray that all your needs will be met.God bless.

  39. My heart goes out to you and your family Carol. Wishing you all get back to your lives quickly and with minimal hardship. More than happy to participate in fundraiser.

  40. Carol - I'm praying for you and your family, and thankful that everyone is okay.

    Everyone - Carol's friend, Jennifer Marine, is running the fundraiser for Carol and David and is still accepting donations:

    Lots of Texans have lost their homes and the Central Texas Red Cross is accepting donations as well:

  41. Carol- so sad and horrified to hear this awful news. So many of us in Texas are struggling to cope with the loss these terrible fires have brought. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  42. Damn Carol! That sucks. Hope all works out as best it can in the long run.

  43. I am so so sorry for your loss Carol! I am speechless. I am glad you and your family are safe. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  44. I have been watching the coverage on Fox and am so sorry for you and the so many others caught up in this terrible fire. There are many arts communities that will embrace you and your incredible talents. Best of wishes to you and your family. You are in my prayers.

  45. Carol, I have been a reader and huge admirer of your blog and art since you first started posting. Your site and David's Dailypaintworks are one of the first items I explore on my computer in the morning. I can't imagine what you are both going through along with all your Bastrup community. Keep up your spirits and know you are in so many peoples thoughts and prayers.

  46. So sorry to hear about your home and new studio. We are thinking of you and all our neighbors in Bastrop. We don't know about our house yet. So many have been affected. We pray for you and all our friends. Take care and hugs.

  47. So sorry to hear about the loss of your house Carol. Glad that the 3 of your are safe and together.

    Your family is in my prayers. Sending lots of positive thoughts and wishes your way!

  48. You and your family and neighbors, are all in our prayers. I know you can't see it right now, but after a fire rips through, and there seems to be nothing but devastation, a beautiful transformation starts to happen to land that can only happen after such a tragedy... A wonderful color of fresh light green starts to take over the land. My prayer is that you all experience this transformation when the time is right, and that you specifically, drink in that green!!

  49. Filbert and David,

    Just checking in and wishing your family well. I've got a free, furnished condo here in Key West for most of December; it's nice here then. We have thrift shops, too!

  50. I can't imagine what you must be going through, so sorry. Wish I could do more to help, just know you and your family are in our thoughts.

  51. Prayers for you and your family from another painter, Carol.

  52. Thanks for the update Carol. You and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers since this happened. You're inspiring in so many ways. I wish only the very best for all of you.

  53. Dear Carol,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am one of your followers. You sound very brave. Keep up your good spirits.
    Carol Pighin

  54. I had to laugh at Andy Dolphin's comment. That says it all doesn't it?
    Don't necessarily give up on Texas, fire's happen because there are matches or lightening. The important things are safe, you and yours. Material things are ephemeral anyway. Like you said, you're going to need paint, brushes, canvas, and an easel! Thank God you and your family saved your iPhone and your undies! Good thinking. You got out with all the important things.
    I was thinking of sending you art supplies, but where to send them? Would your Gallery in Austin accept things for you? Just in the interim?

  55. I'm so sorry for your loss. Even though I don't know you, I've been thinking of you since I read about the fire.

  56. I heard thru another blog. Carol, please know that many of us are praying for you and your family and neighbors. So tragic, but so thankful you are all ok.

  57. Perhaps when you're ready to rebuild or have a place to rebuild, we could hold a "Studio Raising" you know, like the old fashoined barn raising where everyone comes together and builds it in a weekend.

  58. I am so glad you and your family are safe, and am so sorry for your loss. How awful and how shocking. Sending sympathy your way. I wish I could send rain.

  59. Carol - So sorry for this tragedy - Come stay with us - come to Maine and we will help you find a place - it is beautiful up here! As traumatic as losing everything is - use it as a springboard to new heights!! Mary

  60. I'm so sorry for the loss of your home. Thank God you, David, and Jacob are safe. I will be praying for you as you plan for the next part of your journey.

  61. NOT THE STUDIO! So sorry this has happened to you and everybody else in Texas that is dealing with this right now. Good luck and keep us updated.

  62. I don't even know what to say that others haven't already expressed. I am so, so sorry that you and your family have to deal this. These fires have been invading my thoughts frequently all the way up here in Massachusetts and I feel so heartbroken for all of the families who have lost their homes.

  63. Oh My- from one of your WI kids-this just can't be real but I know it is... So sorry. I will say that I am offering you a short term solution.. Maybe not a good one.. My dad died several years ago and we have a house in Vero Beach FL that is vacant until January. You are more than welcome to stay there and get things sorted out. A block from the beach, on golf course, with pool but also very basic. 4 bedrooms..--- I know hurricane season but it has already been hit so chances are good that we will get a year off.. anyway - for real- think about it. You know my number from Pennisula School !! Dede di De di De di De Di De Di De !!!!!!!!

  64. From one of your WI Kids! Had a bit of trouble getting a comment through!
    Just wanted to offer up a short term solution if you want to throw it into the ring. My dad died several years ago and we have a house in Vero Beach Florida ( 4 bdrms, pool, 1 block from beach- serviceable but vintage house.Really a great place to mend and plan. No one is using it until January ! So since we have been hit by hurricanes in the past think we will be lucky this year. Please consider landing there if you want. Just get in touch and we can talk... Best to you - Dede
    D di D, di D di D di D...ddddd :)

  65. Hi Carol,
    I've been thinking about you and your family. I thank God for the blessings he is storing upon you and your family.
    I can't even think about what you are going through at the moment, but its great that your going to be in Mass. to teach. Fantastic you have a place to stay at the moment. Whatever decisions you guys make, I know God will bless your steps. I just believe that. You guys are an inspiration to most artist in the net. You will continue to be a blessing as always. Chin up, and smile through it all. You are getting ready to have great new life, with a bigger studio, to bless many again. Today is the day you will shine. Sending Love, Hugs, and huge support your way. Take Care.
    Cyn. Psalms 23:1.

  66. Carol,
    My heart goes out to you and your family. Your blog has given me much joy over the years. Thank you.

  67. No doubt I am one of your many "secret admirers" and news of the fire had me in tears for you, your family and all of your neighbors. I am happy to hear that you are safe and I am a big believer that everything happens for a reason and know that you will all be better for having gone through this tragedy. In the meantime, I send you my thoughts and prayers in comfort of your grief.

  68. I am so sorry to hear of your troubles. Good things often come from events like this, so keep your eyes wide open for them.

    Come to Arkansas, it's green, lots of water and hills and the people are wonderful!

  69. So sorry to read about your misfortune and relieved that you and your family is "fine". You are in my prayers.

  70. Carol, I have been thinking about you, your family and all of the other families since I read your blog on Sunday. It is great that David thought to take your home on wheels. I wish you all the best and I'm glad you are all safe.

  71. Carol - So sorry to hear about your sad news but relieved you and your family are okay. My thoughts and prayers go out to you, David and little Jacob. God Bless and keep you all safe!

  72. Carol, so sorry to hear about your news. My thoughts are with you and your family. Thanks for keeping us posted and let us know if there is anything we can do.

  73. I cannot begin to imagine your predicament. All I can say is I'm so very sorry.

  74. Thinking of you and your family, Carol. I cannot think of any words for this, be safe.

  75. Carol, I couldn't believe what I was reading. I'm glad that you're well. I hope that you'll find the way to settle down again soon. ¡Ćnimo! Un abrazo.

  76. Yes, Carol, you are loved and my heart breaks as I read about your loss. But you have the most important things with you - your family and a HUGE following of devoted friends and fans. And of course now that everyone wants you as their neighbor you might as well add Maine to your list! Lauren and I send our best -

  77. Dear Carol & David,
    I cannot even imagine what you are feeling and doing right now. I am praying for you... that you will continue to take comfort in each other and be able to remain connected to the hope and love being sent your way.

  78. Oh Carol!
    What news. My thoughts are with you. I can't imagine what it must be like to loose your home. I am so glad you are safe.

  79. Oh Carol!
    What news. My thought are with you. I can't imagine what it is like to loose your home. I am so glad that you and your family are safe.

  80. Sooo very sorry to hear about the fire, I cant even imagine what that is like and hope never to have to. I will be praying for your family!

  81. Yesterday was my birthday and my husband bought me your two books(I have coveted them !) and I was so excited to receive them...then today, I hear about your terrible loss. I am so glad you are safe and so sad you have lost everything...your new studio looked a peach...but the phoenix rises from the ashes and I wish you all the best in your recovery process and the immediate future, which is going to be tough but will also allow you to re-invent some aspects of your life. For now, I am delighted you are all safe.Jennie

  82. Faye Gabriel9/07/2011 8:58 PM

    Hi Carol, I too are sad for your loss, I wish you well, keep your chin up, things will work out for you and your family. I am a long way away in Sydney, Australia and I feel for you, do hope all goes well.

  83. Thinking of you and hoping that
    the green shoots will sprout soon if they haven't already done so.

  84. Devastating news, I found out about this through James Neil Hollingsworth's blog.
    A question that will possibly be considered naive by some,but I just ignore how natural disasters are dealt with in the United States : What about State support?
    I mean financial support. If your house is not insured against specific natural disasters doesn't the State have any special funds for this? Or does this happen only with very large disasters, Katrina-class ones, when the federal government sets foot?

  85. Dear Carol, David and Jacob,
    I'm deeply sorry for this tragedy. Besides, what a relief to read that you are all safe, life can be so challenging at times. I wish you and your family the very best for the days and months ahead.

  86. Hi Carol, thanks for the update and glad to hear you are coping, been checking in each day to look for an update and its good to hear you and your family are ok.
    lots of good messages on here and some good advice.
    Stay safe,

    Karl S

  87. Hello Carol,'
    I admire your artistic enthusiasm , your endless spontaneity, your style, and love for life, which is so evident in your art! You haven't seemed to miss a beat, even in the face of loss! I pray God will 'restore what the locusts have eaten' and also that what the devil meant for evil, God will turn into good!

  88. Sorry this didn't register,
    I just wanted to say that I have admired your enthusiasm for life that shows so well in your artwork! And that we will be praying God will restore 'what the locust have eaten' and also that what the devil meant for evil, God will turn into good! You seem to be one of those rare individuals who can turn lemons into lemonade!

  89. I just keep reading more and more stories about this fire and it is so sad.
    Happy you guys are safe....

  90. Hugs and love. We've heard about it every night on the Canadian news - horrific! I keep thinking of that beautiful painting of Maddie you did - and I'm sure there's so much more : ( Keeping you all in our thoughts.

  91. Come to Ohio Carol. We stay pretty safe tucked in the middle of the country. We get the occasional tornado but that's about it. The change of seasons are wonderful. Please keep us posted, I am so glad you are all safe. Everything else can be replaced.

  92. OMG I check your blog all the time, but haven't in the last few days. Now I am shocked!!!
    I hope things work out for the better in the end. Good thing you have insurance. But that will never get your paintings back.
    Everyone want you to live in their state. I say come to Maine....lots to paint here. Please?

  93. My heart actually hurts as I think of your paintings gone, and your home, your studio - your peace of mind! Thankfully none of you were hurt! Prayers & thoughts of strength I send to you.

  94. Carol...Please know that you and your lovely family and all the rest of the victims of this horrible fire are in the hearts and minds of most of America these days. We can offer you who have been through such devastation only our version of spiritual well being, whether through prayer or good thoughts. Just please accept these as affirmations of our caring for you all, as individuals, and a collective group.

  95. Hello Carol, I am sorry to hear of the lose of your home and happy to hear that you and your family are ok.

    Your attitude is inspiring.

    Chris Werst

  96. Carol,
    First, my heartfelt condolences to you, David, and Jacob.

    After reading about what you and your family have been going through, and knowing that many more Texans have lost their homes and other property from the fires, I saw the article at the link below about the Forest Service's abrupt, and seemingly arbitrary, grounding of half the federal government's fleet of firefighting air tankers five weeks before the fires in CA and TX. Now I'm boiling mad. It's possible your house and studio, and many others, could have been saved. Britt Gourley, CEO for Aero Union, the company whose contracted fleet was grounded, said, “We were certified to fly all season, but they just terminated us and threw 60 people out of work and left the country vulnerable to fires, as you can see right now in Texas.”

    If I had lost my home in this fire, and its loss may have been prevented by letting this fleet of firefighting air tankers fly, I would be beyond enraged.


  97. I don't even know you but my heart goes out to you and your family. I have followed your lovely work, you are inspiring. This is such a loss it brings tears to my eyes, but glad you are safe. Wish I was closer to help. Do you need clothes or items for you son? New art supplies? I will keep you in my prayers, God Bless.

  98. Carol,
    So sorry to hear about the loss of your home and studio. I'm so glad you were all able to get out in time. So strange for me, having followed your blog for years, especially through the building of your studio, I feel as if I know you all. You might remember that many years ago, when you first visited Germany, I tried to help you locate mineral spirits.
    I lost my house to fire in my senior year in high school, lost everything. You will rebuild better than before and replace most of the stuff and you and David are such strong positive can do people, that you will get through this. What will remain with you is a sensitivity to fire and a shared sense of loss when you hear of someone losing their home to fire. Here is hoping for a smooth recovery.

  99. Carol,
    Your beautiful work is an inspiration and I am so sorry to hear about your house. But like you said you will always have your "home" as long as you have your family. Best wishes for you and them during this rough time.

  100. Carol: So so sorry for what you lost but also so very happy everyone is safe. All of you stay well. - Frank

  101. Carol, we are so sad to hear about the horrible events that have taken place in your neck of the woods. Although the loss sounds great we're so relieved to hear that you and your fam are okay! Our thoughts are with you, David and Jacob...

    The Claytons

  102. You have both contributed to and inspired so many of us. My prayers and thoughts are with you and all those who have lost so much in that terrible fire.Thank God you're all safe. You are in thoughts and prayers.

  103. Carol - although you have been only a name on my blog for years but an inspiration to so many artists I want to send my prayers and wishes for strength to you all at this time of what must be almost like a bereavement, like loosing an old friend. Hearing about it from afar must be so scary.
    Gary - Wales UK

  104. carol, david and jacob,
    we may get in a bidding war to
    keep you guys in TEXAS~
    and that would be my wish, but the wonder of it all, no matter where you are, you will have each other.
    god bless,

  105. Carol so sorry for your loss as well as all the other families who have experienced these devastating fires. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

  106. Carol, you have long inspired me with your art but I can tell you nothing you have done has touched me more than your attitude during this crisis. You "hang tough" with beauty....must be the artist in you. 1udy Coyne

  107. At least you are together and safe.
    I hope everything works out for you,
    after such a dreadful loss of your home and possesions

  108. Melissa Root9/09/2011 10:20 AM

    Carol and family,
    I have admired your work and work ethic so much. We were so sorry to hear about your loss but glad to know you are safe. We would love to offer a 'rest stop' when you head to the Jacksonville Fla workshop in October.
    We sometimes have hurricanes here in coastal (Mobile) Alabama, but rarely fires. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your fellow Texans.

  109. oh my gosh, so sorry for your loss! we almost lost our family cabin in the slide fire several years ago in southern california. cabins burned down as close as 4 cabins away and we didn't know for a week whether ours was there or not. i had stupidly stocked it full with most of the family photo albums because it was a place i liked to work on that kind of stuff. plus many paintings of mine and my fathers. anyways, our cabin survived but that was a real traumatizing experience for the whole family. i can't imagine what you must be going through! sending warm thoughts to you and your family!!

  110. I also just wanted to say how very sorry I am about the loss of your home and studio and everything else that went. I always follow your blog and even though I don't think I've ever written before, I just wanted to add my condolences for what is gone and best wishes and hope for everything that is yet to come. You are an inspiration to so many.

  111. So sorry to hear of this misfortune to you and your family. You are a wonderful painter and I can only sence from your blog, that you are a positive and up-beat person that in time will beat this terrible situation. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

  112. Carol, you are in our thoughts and prayers!! Thank God you and your family are well...

  113. I just heard about what happened, I'm so sorry for what you've lost but know there will be lots of gain as the days continue. You're in my prayers!

  114. Dearest Carol,

    I tragedy like this will be a set back for sure, mostly in the sense of the sheer exhaustion you all must be feeling and the uncertainty of all the details to be dealt with. What a relief it must be to know that you have come out of it with what you needed most- your family intact. Is it possible, this early on, to see the open window? I hope it takes you to places beyond what you could have ever imagined. I will pray for the strength to stay with your family, to get you past this tragedy, and on to the rest of your lives. Carolina

  115. I just discovered your blog and beautiful artworks. Praying for your safety and know that you must be as strong as your paintings. Keep us informed!

  116. I was very saddened by the news, what matters is that Carol and family health hustle. Many strength and positive thinking is the desire of your fan this side of the Atlantic.
    All the best

  117. Stay safe, wishing all the best for you & family in the future.

  118. You don't know me, but I've been a fan of your blog for some time now. I was shocked to hear about your home. I hope you can turn this devastating situation into a positive thing. All my best to you and your family. Sincerely, Dawn Sgriccia

  119. I am happy you are safe. You and your family are inspiring.

  120. So shocked to hear the news of your loss, so many things that can't be replaced. Many the rebuilding of your family's lives go smoothly.

  121. Carol.

    Can't stop thinking about you guys and the loss of your home and studio. There's got to be a way all of the artists whose lives you've touched can help. If there's a fund raiser or a house building, I'd love to be a part of it. Be safe and know you are loved by many.

  122. Carol...I have been following your blog for some time now. You are an amazing artist and person. So hard to hear about the fire. So happy to hear your family is safe. I'm not sure what I would do. Here is some information for you to check out: the Joan Mitchell Foundation. This organization helps artists who are affected by natural disasters. I hope they can help with getting you back on your feet.
    I wish you and your family the best of luck. We will keep you in our prayers along with everyone else who lost their homes. God Bless.

  123. So sorry to hear about this. I saw the painting "Before the Fire" and thought it was just another of your cleaver titles - maybe you had a marshmallow roast after painting it or something. I stopped in at the forums on DPW to find the terrible news. I can't imagine what you all must be going through. Sending all the best of thoughts and positive energy your way. Take care :)

  124. Just wish you all the best and good luck with everything. It is wonderfull you did get so much support and help. Great.

    I have experienced fire myself... It was not as big as yours- but it was more then enough...


  125. Carol,

    It is hard to imagine this loss, but your spirit and gifts are intact, and these changes will uplift you in many ways. Sending positive thoughts and energy to you and your family; your sharing of your art has enhanced the art community in so many ways. Now we can all help you during this difficult time!

  126. We have a home in the mountains outside of Asheville, NC. There is plenty of room to park your camper. You may want to explore the area before considering Oregon, as a new home.

    Best Regards

    Christine Hield

  127. carol - for some reason i haven't been getting your emails ...and just today i learned why!! - how devastating!! i've been reading all the heart-felt posts from your many, many fans for the past hour and a half. at the beginning, i thought: "I'll send her paints, brushes, little "lovelies" to use in her still lifes..."..then i read on and found there were lots of us with the same thought. i'm heading now to the donation website to do whatever i can. you will rise from these ashes and get on to the next event with your usual grace and good humor - good on ya!!
