
Wednesday, August 17, 2011


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I have this one painting leftover from what I painted in Germany. The image is from the Gold King Mine in Arizona, and one of my favorites. I think it's rather jaunty with the door open.
WORKSHOP - I have just listed a new one, in NY, June 11-15, 2012. Register


  1. Too good Carol, I love it! A workshop in New York...get you. You've arrived!

  2. I love it, too - very dynamic with the door open!

    So much for slowing down in 2012~~~~~ :D

  3. Old trucks are the best. I've very much been enjoying your work and your wit. I'd love to take one of your workshops, but since I'm local (Austin) want to attend one close by. Wanted to let you know that the link for Mary's email is not working. I'd like to get on the waiting list if possible for the New Braunfels workshop. Is there another way to reach her?
    Thanks, Ann

  4. Carol, I don't know how this is possible...but you just keep getting betterer and betterer!

  5. Love it, old trucks, old cars, old anything -- always I'm drawn to them and I really like the way you handle them.

  6. Carol, I love how your brush strokes are so purposeful...old truck or tea cup, each of your paintings make me look twice!

  7. Enjoy this one, reminds me of the trucks when I use to live in Mexico; partially beacause of the steal color and loose catus-like strokes in the bottom right. I'm an artist out of Austin, though one of my best friends from grad school lives out in Bastrop. Artworks on 6th near Lamar represents me, and I have a show up and the Lady Bird Johnson Center. Really like the look and feel of your blog. I've only had mine for a few month, but am really enjoying sharing my work with an ever greater number of people too. I like a lot of your works as I keep scrolling down. I'll check to see your latest post/paintings. Nick

  8. Thanks, ya'll!!

    Kelley - I know, I know. But I only have 8 at this point total in 2012, and that's less than 13 (this year!).

    That Girl Designs - Hmmm, that's the only email I have for her and it works when I try. If you're interested in getting on the wait list I am happy to forward your email. Let me know, thanks!

  9. Grumpy pants, I love that! and the painting. Love the truck too. Hope you had a great birthday!

  10. Thanks Carol. That is strange because I tried it both from my MAC and our PC. Oh well. Yes, I would love to be on the wait list.

    My email is:

