
Thursday, August 18, 2011

How Many Cups Do You See?

Click Here to Bid

My husband began wearing reading glasses recently (he is 12 years older than I) and is constantly losing them around the house. And every time he does he asks "have YOU seen my glasses?" in a distinctly blaming tone, as if I was the one who misplaced them. And until he finds them he is a grumpy-pants. That or until I deposit him on the couch with a glass of wine. Either will make him happy.
WORKSHOP - Here is one more workshop for 2012, in Toronto, Canada, Aug 27-31, email Marina to register.


  1. I love this painting Carol. The colors in the cups are so beautiful, and the glasses (which I think are super hard to paint) look awesome, the highlights are perfectly placed and they look like light is shining through the frames.

    And your husband does that too?! Mine is always asking me where I put his guitar picks, pliers (what would I want those for hmmm?), wallet (again. .. . hmmm?), whatever and I always say that I have NOT touched them and have no idea where they are. So there. HA!

    But the thing is. . . I usually am the one who misplaced them. I suffer from Chronic forgetwhereIputrandomstuffitis. :)

  2. Love this one, the color is so sophisticated... You are workin' those flea market spectacles, Carol. Very inspiring prop and oh so well done!!

  3. Get him 3 or 4 more pairs of reading glasses. That's what I did. That way I can usually find a pair.

    The problem is that I wear glasses at the computer, but when I get up to walk around, I can't see anything! So I absentmindedly take them off as I'm walking, and I leave them in the bathroom, living room, the kitchen, or where ever it was I was going. I bought a bunch of inexpensive "readers". I think that's cheaper than spending a lot of time looking for my glasses.

  4. I LOVE these colors! I think you would look smashing in these glasses if you could see through them.

  5. just to let you know that your workshop apparently filled up within 24 hours. Am very sad I will miss the chance when you are so close to where I live :(

  6. Love this little painting! I watched the auction but unfortunately missed the end so I missed out.
    I am so sad to hear you lost your home to the fire. I will continue to follow you and hopefully be there to bid on one of your little masterpieces. You are blessed with a special talent.
