Tonight we went to a street festival in the nearest small town. The coolest thing about this was the wine bottles you could buy and drink anywhere. heh. Forgive me if I'm a bit incoherant. : ) The man in the painting was a very suave gentleman in Frieburg, probably waiting for his wife while she did a bit more shopping.
Fantastic Carol! And I love the shopping bag : ) I'm just loving your work from Germany.
You caught just that little subtle bit of "how much longer do I have to wait?" in this guys posture. Love it. The "oh so silly Carol" part is about the heh:),forgive me if I am bit incoherent.....too funny. Sounds wonderful there and so happy for y'all!
A Texas Bluebell in Germany! You're doing some really nice work, and a range of subjects I haven't seen so much in the blog. Very impressive.
Great drawing skills here Carol, especially the foreshortened legs. A little gem!
Truly awesome painting. I'm a true fan of your work.
Beutiful. I love the chromatic harmony with the greys of the man and the bag.
Love your paintings from Germany. The figures are great! You're such an inspiration!
Nice work Carol, but I just couldnt resist asking if he's counting the change in his pocket? LOL. Sorry. Glad you approve this before you post! I'm one of those people that try to always find a little humor along the way!
I KNOW I commented on this before but it isn't showing.
My favorite thing is the 'logo' on the bag.
Brilliant :)
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