Sunday, July 31, 2011

German Windowboxes

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Here are more German windows, with flowers, as promised, from one of our wanderings. I was really attracted to the colors, and as usual I am totally in love with the light and shadows. Unfortunately, our trip is ending soon, BUT I've gotten tons of photos and I hope to use quite a few for some larger paintings coming up.


Tom Robertson said...

That is very gorgeous indeed, it has a wonderfully dreamy quality to it

Cynthia Schelzig said...

wow, yup,,,looks just like it...and true...donĀ“t you just love the shadows those hanging flowers throw onto the buildings.

Kathy Cousart said...

Wonderful light and shadows on the building and on the flowers themselves. Love the way you painted the reflections in the panes. Sweet!

carol morgan carmichael said...

Wunderbar! Love the cropping and brushwork! I used one of the ten German words I know. It was appropriate!

Anonymous said...

That cool mauvy pink and bluish white of the window frame, that burning blue of reflected sky, those fiery red flowers, those muted greenish shadows. Carol, I am in awe, as usual, of your colour choices, and how you make them WORK!!

Cate in Dundee

Diane Hoeptner said...

Sweet color harmony and awesome values.... Even the blue sky reflected in the windows, soooo wonderful!!! I loooooove this one.

Barbara Pask said...

I love the colors in this one too Carol. Love the flowers and the shadows they cast.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

wow! so daring to include the 4 windows which would almost seem too repetitious. NOT.
Beautiful handling of the value from the shadows to light areas.
Love it!