I am off tomorrow for Rhode Island, and then Westford, MA, for 2, 3-day workshops. I'll have a day in between during which I plan to see as much art in Boston as possible. In parting I leave you with these adventurous eggplants on dots. More soon ...
I love this! I always love your use of soft and hard edges in your paintings!
Lovely color combo, and the early light shows in the previous painting. It really glows. Have a safe trip to New England again, should be some nice sunny early fall weather for you, and have a blast in Boston! Lots of great art!!
This is beautiful! I wish you a great trip...you will be in my neck of woods! I spent hours today at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts ---hope you make it there, it is a great museum! Isabella Gardner museum is right near it and gives a glimpse of how private museums were kept before our modern concept of public museums developed.
They really do look like they're going somewhere! How'd ya do that?
Yum! Purple and green--one of my favorite color combos!
Very nice, Carol. I like that you used your orange underpainting as part of the color of the eggplants. Really like the reflected light on them.
That's funny because while you are up here in New England, I will be down in your neck of the woods (Austin/San Antonio) trying to see a much art as possible! I love the colors and the volume you created in these eggplant. They remind me of maracas that you could pick up and shake!
Great. I feel like I could tap them and hear the hollow thump.
Yeah! The dots are back!!
Your work is really beautiful. I'm sitting here scrolling through your past posts and am just in awe of how you turn such simple objects into a thing of beauty. I've never really been drawn to painting with oils (I paint with watercolor) but your work makes me want to give it a try. Truly awesome stuff :)
wow, the light and shine on these are just beautiful. And I love the shapes of the green shadows.
Your work is just wonderful.
I really admire your confidence with brushstrokes, boldly applied in exactly the right color and value!
love love love! As usual. Gorgeous work...
Lovely combo of colors here. Have a fun and interesting trip. Take care.
Beautiful brushwork and colors! really pops!
I love your work! Good luck with your classes!
Melissa ~
TheHive – A Social Community for the Arts and Crafts Industry
Thank you for this beauiful painting !
I hope you make it to the Boston Museum of Art, many great Sargent paintings--be careful on all the one way streets!
Perfectly controlled values, perfectly controlled color, perfectly controlled design, perfectly controlled edges...winner
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