I got a request recently from a reader to address this question: "Do you pre-mix the colors on your palette, based on your set up, or do you mix as you go?" My answer: No, I don't pre-mix. I mix as I go. I have several reasons for this: 1. I've noticed when have pre-mixed, I tend to use a mix even if it turns out to be wrong because - well gosh darn otherwise I've wasted a whole pile of paint! 2. I also tend to use a pile of pre-mixed color for a whole area of one color rather than mixing different but similar colors for the different strokes (which makes for a more interesting area of color, in my opinion). 3. I tend to use up a whole pile even if I don't need it because - again, I've mixed it all up and it's a waste otherwise.
I completely agree about pre-mixing! I'd use it even if 'wrong' because I'm lazy, and I wouldn't want to 'waste'! I know people who do it successfully, but not me.
That was a great question and equally great answer. Your way of mixing as you go makes a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing. Love your work.
Think I need some more Carol Marine lessons. : )
Love this one! The colors peeking through, the over all colors and the shadows are beautiful. Thank you for the info on pre-mixing. I agree, but don't always adhere to it. When I do pre-mix, thinking that it will make a better painting I am disappointed. Thanks for the reminder!
You have a great blog. I enjoy seeing it each day!
Happy Painting!!
My feelings exactly!!! Once you mix that pile of paint..well.. I have to use it. And, I have to admit, it felt like I could paint quicker then (which is a bad idea if you want your strokes to reflect more color changes).
So, now I just try to think quicker.
Such a nice red with this turquoise background,,,love it!
Hi Carol,
I wrote an email to a friend/student this morning after studying your "Lean on Me" painting.
It is nothing less than a complete lesson in how to paint. I sent him a link to it, explaining that everything one needs to know about this challenging activity is clearly evident in your work. Composition, color, values and edges are all there. All one need do is look.
Thanks, also, for sharing your experiences with all of us. Your conversational writing style is a joy to read every day, not to mention the countless valuable lessons.
Do you mix as you go when you paint your big paintings? I love "reading" your paintings, looking for the intro, building the plot, developing the characters, the anti-climax and the grand climax! They are truly beautiful!
Thanks ya'll! I will say I have some friends who pre-mix and do beautiful paintings. This is just what works for me.
Maggie, yes, I also mix as I go for the larger paintings. For the same reasons.
Yes, Carol, I'm a fan of mixing as you go and right on the canvas. I think it makes for many color variations within an area that is generally one color but has subtle hints and shades of others right with it. Your paintings clearly show that, I think! Beautiful cup and apple!
Thanks for your generosity - both with your artwork and your tips.
Thank you Carol! I also mix as I go, mostly on the canvas, but have thought it was "wrong" to do so. Since I'm new at painting, I just figured I didn't know what I was talking about, but you have validated my favored technique, and for the same reasons!
I love the way you combine these colors, Carol.
Beautiful Work!!! Always a pleasure to see your blog and a inspiring one at that! Bravo!
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