Sunday, January 10, 2010

"Cherryguards" - SOLD

This is another pre-block painting. They are Rainier cherries and they are protecting the cute little white bowl I found recently at Pier 1. I just loved the colorful reflections on the outside of the bowl. My block has coincidentally coincided with a bunch of non-painting work that has to be done, so I have taken some good advice and abandoned my studio for the last couple of days. It feels wrong, but it is also nice to take a break. I will return, refreshed, tomorrow.


Bobbi Heath said...

Lovely painting, Carol. All will be well in a few days, good luck with the non-painting work. Your wonderful book travels with me and is a continual source of inspiration.

Jo Castillo said...

This is delicious, I love red. You will get all fired up at your workshop. Dina is so lovely and it is such a great place to paint! Have a good time.

Leslie Saeta said...

Take your time girlfriend. How you manage to post everyday while taking a break is beside me! All that means is you are doing double work overtime when you are painting! You are simply amazing!

Cynthia said...

Oh wow!!! This is a beauty! I love the turqouise table and the reflections in the bowl...a real stunnnnner girl!!!
Good that you are taking a little break,,,you deserve it.

Michael Chesley Johnson, Artist / Writer said...

I really love these little pieces, Carol. I'm glad to see them each day.

Susie Gregory said...

good on ya!! - return to fight another day!!! and i just love those ranier cherries - hard to find around here but i managed to paint some last summer - i love the colors! and i love the new white bowl!

Jandi said...

Gorgeous, Carol! You really nailed the color and shine of those cherries...I know because I am eating some right now and I held one up to my monitor and it looks like it jumped right out of your painting ;-)

How's the studio coming along? Post some photos, won't you, please?

Rob Hazzard said...

I never tire of your orangey reds and blue/turquoise color combinations, so vibrant.

DSM said...

The stems terminate in an interesting way; they do seem out in the air, surrounded by light.

D.M. SOLIS said...

Beautiful! I love oranges and blues! You do so much with color contrasts. So happy to find your blog! About the have a patent? You must. It is something! Thanks for the inspiration. Peace and all good things for you, your husband, and your students in creativity and in life! Sincerely,


Teresa Beyer - Fine Art said...

Dear Carol,

Thank you so much for having the courage to be honest. I really appreciate the struggle, the brief time I have been on your "Daily Painting" blog you have made it look easy and fun. While I know that is true - I understand and can relate to the growing pains. I am trying to do a Daily Painting it is a challenge. Thank you again. Teresa

suzanneberry said...

I follow your work very closely and basically love everything you do. You are incredibly gifted. Just studying one of your paintings is a learning experience.

Gary Keimig said...

love your use of reds in this painting. Along with the blue and those wonderful shadows the whole piece sings. Good job.

Pamela K said...

Hi Carol, I absolutely love your work..Colors are amazing. I started following your daily paintings recently. Hopefully some day i will start painting daily too.