This flu keeps lingering, unfortunately. I am sad to say I haven't painted since my last workshop. I will keep posting paintings from before I got sick.
I want to highlight a workshop I'm doing Oct 18-22 that will be advanced (you are considered advanced if you've taken a workshop from me before or you've been painting at least 10 years). In this workshop we will learn about the more difficult aspects of a still life, as well as more advanced subjects. We will talk about the mysteries of reflections on a glass surface (or others), and in the sides of metal or other reflective objects. We will explore glass objects in paint and how they distort the world behind them. We will examine the illusiveness of white objects with their subtle shifts of color. We will discuss flowers, one of the most difficult subjects to paint. We will also spend a day on a more complicated, larger still life, alla prima. If you are interested, contact Eileen Corse at the Corse Gallery & Atelier in Jacksonville, FL.
Nice painting, Carol--lots of fun movement. HOpe you feel better soon.
Love this! The light is so beautiful. The striking color of the cherries and that crisp shadow on that gorgeous clean white make this one of my all time favorites.
I'm so envious of the lucky students taking your Advanced Class. (I want to be Advanced.)
Gives me incentive to practice, practice, practice and get in line for the next one!
Hope you're feeling much better.
Wow, this is a bright spot in my morning here!!! The folds, the whites...ahhhh gorgeous and one of my favorite subjects,,,cherries...just stunning.
hey carol - i'm thinking good thoughts for your speedy recovery - no fun being down and out! take your time and don't feel pressured to do too much - we can all wait! finally got your book and i love it as i knew iwould! - trying to make arrangements for october! take care - susie
Did you notice that this piece looks especially good with your blog portrait; compare the palettes...
If I was nearby I'd bring you soup!
Not to worry, just relax and get well.
Trust me, your audience awaits and we are a patient lot. You've treated us so well with your delightful paintings.
my goodness just looked at your workshops and saw how full they are. glad i signed up early for sedona!
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