Friday, February 06, 2009


Click Here to Bid

I've had this paperweight for a while. I'm really not sure even where I got it. And I've painted it before, here. It looks a lot more purplue here ... some trick I'm sure of the light. In the first one I was using a super white light, and here it was more yellow.


Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Well, they're all wonderful but I forgot to mention that the original starfish paperweight is one of my all time favorites.
Plus, I thought I was commenting on "Apple Soup". I saw your large works in Provincetown last summer and loved them.

Chris Pendleton said...

Great painting as always Carol. You are the Chardin of our times!

Gifts of Creation said...

Very nice Carol..I love your work and I have your feed on my blog now.
I used to live in Austin for 10 years!! I now live in FL.
Stop by my blog!! i wish I could go to your workshop in JAX but I dont think I can afford it right now.

Unknown said...

I love the star!