I just updated "Off the Island" so it reflects the small change I made. There was a little dark line on the edge of the middle slice that had to be corrected. I am much happier with it now.
Below is a 20"x20" painting I did today. It's not a great photo - I took it inside so the color isn't exactly right. For some reason it is much easier for me to come up with titles for my smaller paintings than the large ones (though today's is pretty unoriginal). I am going to call this one "Oranges & Bottles" unless someone can give me a better suggestion. I'd appreciate it.

It's a beautiful painting. How about "Chosen One"!
Ruby Red is awesome too, the color is great!
mmmm.."Orange Potions"
Both paintings are fabulous! I really like the composition in both paintings, and the colors are delicious ;) Hmmm...I struggle with titles.
I'd go with "Blue Curtain." Not as tongue-in-cheek as most of your titles, I suppose, but it draws attention to the anchor of the composition...
"juxtaposition" I really like this composition. At first it seemed a very simple one but as I explored further it seemed much more complex. Simply complex, maybe the title should be "Oxymoron" :0)Do paintings really need titles or is that a compromise that artist have to make for the written word? I really enjoy visiting your blog each day and especially like seeing all of your larger still lifes on blog and web site.
Very nice painting Carol. I think it looks like you were busy putting some kind of concoction in the bottles and you took a break to snack on an orange. How about " A Juicy Snack" or something along those lines. Hey, I tried, :)
cant believe you have painted so much in 6x6",the bottom one
You are damn cute in the tiny format
I suggest "Afternoon Delight" and if you're into word play it is d-"LIGHT" ful....love your work!
Blue Sunshine
Debbie Chavers
Some looked on while others fell.
Carol, the glass is just so beautifully done with an impressionist style that is instantly recognizable as Carol's work! Love it.
May be my favorite painting ever from you and that's not easy to say.
Love the rich colors and the way the eye is led through the painting. Looks huge too.
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