Tuesday, October 09, 2007

"Yellow Tomatoes" --- SOLD

I struggled with this one. This is actually my second attempt. The first was yesterday - I wiped it off, which is why I had nothing to post. I think it's really hard to paint glass small, especially jars from an angle like this. And for some reason the tomatoes were giving me a hard time - the buggers! I wish I could say what I learned from the first attempt to this one, but I'm having one of those days (or 2) where I have suddenly forgotten everything I know. It'll come back ... it always seems to. : )


Diana Marshall said...

There must be something in the air I'm having the same problems! Your new painting looks as always good to me, they always look as if they were painted so confindently.. something I'm striving towards hmmm

rutger said...

I think it's nice!
I like the combintation of the yellow/orange and blue.

Dana S. Whitney said...

The colors are divine. I was directed to your blog because of your brushwork. I think the clarity of your reflections exceed expectations, too. Can't wait to look at more!

dave said...

I didn't know americans used the word 'bugger'
now I do.
it is a most versatile word; this is a right bugger,
I think it's buggered
bugger it
oh bugger!
bugger off!
don't bugger it up!
extra nice painting esp glass