It turns out cabbage is a real challenge to paint. I didn't think it would be easy, but I didn't think it would be this hard either. My husband says there's a big difference between what I think is fun and interesting to paint, and what other people want to buy and hang in their house. I guess that's something, as business-people, all us artists have to think about. That is, if we want to eat. But every once in a while I just have to paint something challenging for me, and hope someone else appreciates it as an image.
That's a good question, "Do you want to paint what others want you to paint?" Do the people really know what they like until you show them? I always enjoy seeing your challenging pieces!
Your husband sounds like mine. Been there.
Sometimes you just got to paint what you want to paint, just to see if you can paint it. Whether somebody wants to buy it or not. I guess there will be always one person who likes it very much. I always like to see your paintings. I like your way of painting, your style.Very nice to look at.
I think if we believe in our work and our choices of subjects, there will always be an appreciation and place for them with others. I think as artists we have to follow our instincts or we lose the love.
Your work always has a quality of freshness and joy about it and I think ultimately that's what the viewer connects to - not just the subject matter.
Rock On!
I think if you find joy in what you paint, others will be attracted to it. (Or at least I hope that's the way it works!)
I know when I've tried to paint something that I thought will be marketable but didn't have my heart into, it didn't work out very well.
Fantastic job on the green cabbage. Now try painting a red (purple) cabbage. I painted both colors and found the red cabbage to be much harder. Hope to see a red one one your blog soon.
Just think what my husband said with my "undies" painting! I happen to love this cabbage painting of yours. very daring composition-striking.
Great job Carol... and maybe its how even a mundane subject is painted that makes it so interesting that people want to hang it in their house. Just food for thought!
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