This was so much fun to paint. I am feeling much more confident about what I need to put down first, second, etc. For this one, I put down the blue shadow first, then a bit of of the shadowed parts of the vase. Then I put in the darkest of the flowers parts, then lighter and lighter to the lightest of the flower parts. Then I put in the background, again from darkest to lightest, cutting into the flowers with that nice blue-gray. Ok, so the vase is leaning just a bit - and that's what I get for not getting the drawing right first! In real life, the orange flowers just pop - more subdued in this picture.
This one is so charming Carol. I really love the way you paint flowers (well everything...but especially flowers). I like how brave you are with the edges of their petals.
After seventeen years of painting soley in transparent watecolors, you've inspired me to try oils again! Thanks for your constant inspiration!
I've been subscribed to your blog for some time and really enjoy not only your wonderful daily paintings but your courageous commentary.
You seem to me to be someone who has mastered the Zen concept of Beginner's Mind in that you write about your work as if you were not a master.
Thanks for sharing your work so generously.
I love the unusual angle and the way you made the petals look paper-thin. Beautiful.
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