This painting is proof that if you don't get the proportions right, you're sunk. The bowl is all wrong. I think I drew it from one angle and painted in the bottom of it from another angle. Argh. I hate it when that happens. I hate it more when I don't realize my mistake until I'm about the post the picture and realize it's all wrong. I also hate it when I'm happy with the rest of it, but one part wrecks the whole painting. If anyone is willing to look past this and wants to buy it, please let me know, as I am not posting it on ebay. Thanks.
I think you are too hard on yourself. The colors work together, the shadows are great and no one is going to notice that the bowl is a little off. I like it.
I don't think I would have noticed either. I'm in it for the value composition and the colors!
Brings up a good subject though. Carol how much initial sketching do you do? Is it perfect draftmanship or very general to indicate placement? How much do you worry about exact form?
I think it's SUPER important to get proportion right. The best way to do that is to get your drawing right in the first place. That said, my initial drawing is fairly sketchy. I leave out the details and go more for general form. I don't want to draw in too much for fear of being too tight with my paint.
I feel ya. I'm working on a painting right now and the bowl is killing me. I tend to get impatient and want to get right into the paint, so I don't really do much sketching. I want to say that I really think this painting is beautiful though. The colors and textures of the apple distract from the bowl (which really, looks fine).
Sometimes I don't realize there's an error in my painting until I look at the photo of it that I'm posting. Then I have to fix the problem, and take another photo. Then there might be even a new problem!
A couple weeks ago, I painted some cows at a feeding trough. One had his head up and was looking at you. There was something wrong with the eyes, and, try as I might, I could NOT get those eyes right. Keep in mind each eye was about 1/8 of an inch on a 16x20 painting! I finally scrapped the whole thing.
I'm with you, the error is distracting. It's a beautiful painting otherwise, and it would not be difficult to fix that drawing error. It would be worth correcting, for sure. The apple and light effects are wonderful.
Ahh, but since we don't KNOW the actual size of the yellow ware bowl, we don't know that it is not in fact huger than the apple, so it never occurred to me that it was out of proportion until you mentioned it...it's just an apple next to a mixing bowl, and a beautifully painted one at that. Also, the turquoise ground makes me weak in the knees. God, I love that color. I gotta go paint.
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