I never knew bell peppers would be so fun to paint! Now that I've done a few I'm going out on a limb to say they should be up there with pears on the universal list of great things to paint. They have a really compelling translucent quality that lightens up the shadow side, a wonderful shape in general, and lovely curving stems. I'm hooked.
Thank you all for the great comments on yesterday's demo! It was really rewarding to hear, and I promise to post more coming up.
I must say, you do justice to the pepper. By chance I also did an orange pepper today. I feel bad cause i cussed the brushes when i knew it was my fault the values were poor. Now I see yours' and feel a calmness and inspiration to keep at it. Besides, I've got 60 panels prepared and brushes with hurt feelings. I'm watching the vid again. :)
Love your work and all the information you post on your blog. Are you coming to the Southern California area for any workshops? Also would you like to link blogs? My email address is lifestylesdefined@mac.com
and my blog is http://diane-dailyart.blogspot.com/
Your paintings are an inspiration! these bell peppers would brighten up any kitchen. thank you! Theresa
wow carol! i love how the dark shadows in the background mimic the base of the pepper stems. the colors overall are a perfect pairing, the peppers just glow.
This peppers are just splendid. And I, too, really enjoyed your video. Do I see some Helen Van Wyk influence? Thanks for continuing to share your excellent work.
I agree keep painting peppers. They glow and the brush strokes give them a great personality. Pat
After I left my comment about your great demo, it occurred to me to ask if you would mind blogging about how you photograph your paintings, the equipment/set-up you use or any helpful tips for selling online?
You said you talk about it in your workshop and I don't want to take away from that but since I can't get out there for a workshop...I thought I'd ask.
Oh Wow! This one's so cool! Love the composition and the brushwork!!
my god! I love your paintings sounds so real and beautiful
I always enjoyed art, Congratulations
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