It didn't occur to me while I was painting this that it may look unstable, but this was actually the only position in which it WAS stable. : )
One of my great joys with daily painting is being part of a growing community of wonderful artists from whom I am honored to receive kind and supportive comments and emails. I have been able to and so much want to continue to answer each email, but unfortunately, even though I now spend more time replying to emails than painting, I find myself falling far behind, without the possibility of catching up. So, while I welcome all comments and emails, I am not going to be able to reply to them all, and when I do, my replies will have to be quick. Instead, to help answer the many questions I receive, I am putting together a FAQ, and will soon post a link to it. Thanks for your understanding!
I think he's taking your bow for a great performance.
Ah, the price of success! I totally understand what you are going through. I have 46 students and teach throughout Alberta, so have a lot of corespondance with my students. The web really can suck your life, especially when I find such fabulous sites such as yours, which I have to check every day! Thank you so much for your continuing enthusiasm and willingness to share your beautiful paintings with us.
I'm looking at that luscious yellow pepper of yours propped on its double hiny and am asking myself what it is that's giving it visual stability. I think it's the suggested vertical axis that zooms from the two top curved shapes to the those sitting on the surface. One thing for sure, it works!
i love your paintings... what wonderful loose brush strokes... beautiful.. thank you for sharing!
Looking forward to the FAQs.
Oh wow, I really like this one!!
Great sketchy works!
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