I am really enjoying the translucent qualities of the grapefruit insides. The red even invaded the shadows and reflections on this plate. Love it. My husband has been giving me title ideas lately, that's why they've been more creative than usual. Thanks, sweetheart.
you never have glare on your paintings.
how do you take your digitals to avoid this?
The grapefruits just glow. What color are you using to achieve such a wonderful quality? Loved these little paintings and tell hubby great titles. Pat Meyer Fine Art
Wonderful paintings Carol, I admire (& envy) =) your ability to creat such little masterpieces everday!!
Thanks you guys!
Mike, check my post from June 20, 2007. In it I describe my process for photographing paintings outside. That's how I avoid glare. Hope it helps! -Carol
2 things - color and composition.
They are both really nice in this picture!
While boiling the grapefruit down to just basic shape and color you still get a great sense of the light and the translucency of the grapefruit.
BTW Been watching 15 -20 daily painters online now for about some months now. You work is consistently some of the best. Keep up the great work - hope to be joining you this year!
Carol, I have been looking & reading your posts for a couple months & find your art & your comments a joy & inspiring. Would you share you thoughts on cast shadows & reflected light. Am doing oils again after too many years away so your reminders are helpful. Wish I could be at your workshop but alas it is not to be so take lots of informitive photos for us that watch from afar.
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