I live in a relatively new community, and the one downside is teensy little trees. I'm not sure what kind of leaf this is, but it must have blown onto my porch from some neighbor's teensy tree, as we only have Pin Oaks and a Bradford Pear. It was all by itself, and so perfect - I thought it must be a sign. Or maybe an ambitious leaf looking for fame?
Its an oak leaf. --and a great little portrait of one ---Ive got tons here in my RI neighborhood, I could send you a few thousand ;-)
Beautiful, your work is amazing. Congratulations Carol!
Ernesto Hugo *
I love how your brush strokes make your paintings vibrate with energy.
Yep, I would say Red Oak. I like how your underpainting echos the leaf.
We had a Red Oak at my parents house that did okay in suburban Dallas, but they are not really widespread natives like Live Oaks.
It is a shame the way Live Oaks have been dying in the hill country around Austin. I haven't been back for a few years, so it is probably even worse than when I left Texas.
Your painting makes it abundantly clear that it's a pin oak. Lovely. At least that's what the oaks with pointy ends are called in this part of the country. I haven't read in a while (thus the tardiness of this comment), and I'm feasting tonight!
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