Saturday, July 04, 2020

Basking in the Blue Bowl

Click Here to Bid (6x6in. - OIL - starts at $100)

Every once in a while I become super productive with painting and finish a whole bunch in a short period. It's not because I'm driving myself - it's because I'm just really into it for whatever reason! Sometimes this comes right before a forced break (like the universe knows!), and that is what happened this time. I woke up the other morning with my back/neck all messed up again and not able to do much besides sleep and sit. But fortunately I still have paintings to post, and will do so until I run out or heal. Hopefully healing comes first. : )

One thing I can do during this break is put together new little books. I've put together one so far and contacted a local printer. Hopefully within a month or so I will have these available for you!

1 comment:

Jo Castillo said...

Love blue glass, perfect with the orange colors, complements.
Hope you feel better soon. Happy Fourth!!