Thursday, January 22, 2015

Tippy Top Garage


Recently I was interviewed by Antrese Wood the Savvy Painter gal, here. If you haven't discovered her yet, she's got loads of other interesting interviews to listen to in case mine is boring. : ) No, really. Meanwhile, here's a simple car parked in part shadow on the top floor of a parking garage somewhere in San Francisco.


Karen said...

Carol, this is lovely. I just put your book into my cart till I can get a whole order together. However I wonder - how do people hang these small paintings on board, like 6x6? Are frames even available for these small sizes? What do you recommend? Thx so much.

Susan Richardson said...

It was a great I interview Carol! I enjoyed listening to it and as always learned something.

Unknown said...

I really enjoy your color variegation - especially in the lower grille area where those two little bezels are located on the right and left.

Nicely done. Bravo!

Harriet said...

Not heard the interview yet but loving your book! I haven't quite got up to daily painting but have done 100 paintings in 100 days three times over and I'm loving it! Thanks for all the awesome inspiration! :)

Carol Marine said...

Thanks, Karen! I like to frame my small paintings (and the ones I buy from other artists) with floating frames. My favorites are from, but you can also get them (6x6, or any size) from and : )

Unknown said...


I was wondering the same thing about framing small paintings. My wife paints 6x6 inch paintings and we also like the floater frame look.

Since she has been painting alot we decided to start making them on our own! On our frames, the paintings are removable (so you can switch paintings in and out really easy) and they hang flat on the wall.

We actaully based our design on a blog post that Carol made a while ago about floater frames.

I think they are great for daily painters, and in case you know someone handy I made a video show how to make them. The video is on our daily painting blog, , on the videos page. We also have them for sale if you are interested.


7 Mile said...

Thanks for the suggestion. Looking everywhere for 6 x 6 frames.

Clu said...

Hey Carol,

So enjoying your book! I now have your book in both electronic and paper formats.

I consider you and Antrese Wood to be like my Art Goddess Idols because you both (with your Daily Paintworks site and her Savvy Painter Podcasts) have brought me back into the studio regularly for the first real time since graduate school. So listening to you two chat was a fantastic experience! I could really relate to your experience about not learning any real technique in college.

And even now with a teaching certificate in visual arts and many many years of teaching experience, I will occasionally get busted on by colleagues for actually teaching technique! Usually by the same people who call Norman Rockwell only an illustrator and say realism is for amateurs.

Thanks to both you Carol and Antrese for keeping me inspired and getting “my back” in regards to technique.