
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Peach Intervention


Once in a while I feel the need to revert to old Carol, with simple objects and simple compositions and well, no faces! Just peach faces. With complicated social dynamics. Because you know the peach closest to  us has a drug problem. And the others are concerned and they've decided to talk some sense into him. Will it work? I don't know. Because he likes the wild and crazy colors he sees. And he thinks maybe the others just don't want to see.


  1. I love this. Would you mind sharing your palette colors? The results are so far different from my own color mixtures and I'm inspired by what I see. Thank you, Wyndham

  2. I love simple compositions too... and I think you fully enjoy painting those compositions. We can feel that.
    I am an architect and amateur weekend painter. I have not attended your workshops because I live some thousand miles from U.S. Anyway I have learned tons from those "simple" compositions.

    Regards from Santiago, Chile.


  3. Thanks, you guys! Wyndam, you can find my palette and lots of other info on my FAQ page (see top nav bar). : )

  4. This is hilarious! Your ability to create stories out of fruits and vegetables cracks me up! Titling has always been a challenge for me, so I appreciate the ability to bring humor to the process.

  5. Love all the wonderful colors in this painting and I love your crazy story. lol

  6. i love the way you paint!!! <3

  7. Gorgeous colours and I love the story. I'm a big fan of your work, very inspiring!! =)))
