
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bad Art Destruction Party & Our Vacation

Last Saturday I hosted the first annual Bad Art Destruction Party! What the heck is that? Well, artists often have piles of art sitting around that never made the cut, but we feel like crap every time we look at them. Sound familiar? So a few of my art buddies from Oregon came over and together we destroyed all our bad art. We used knives, sharpies and sometimes even our own heads to break, slash and mutilate. It was incredibly cathartic, and you can bet we'll do it again next year. In attendance: Sarah, me, Joseph, Celeste, Annie and Ellen ... and of course our husbands and wives and kiddos who have to put up with all our crap.

The morning after the party my family and I headed off to Lopez Island, where we are staying for a week, at the house of a recent, very generous student of mine, while they are away. It is an amazing house with a spectacular view! I will post photos soon.


  1. Carol, you have made my day. I am sorry to hear about your bad art but I am very encouraged to know that even very established artists like you all have the same experiences. Thank you for sharing! I kind of like knowing that not all of your paintings are winners but I am suspicious...are you sure you had bad art at all? Hard to believe. ;)

  2. What a hoot. I've heard from someone in the art world 9can't recall the name) that it's a good practice to 'Let go of your little darlings" aka bad art!

  3. I haven't commented in ages. I still love keeping up with your workshops and painting. This destruction party sounds like a great idea. Thanks!

  4. I hope that you accompanied all this mayhem with a few glasses of pinot noir.

  5. great blog! wanted to know when you plan to have a workshop in oregon (portland to be specific). i am desperately waiting to attend your art workshop.

  6. Thanks for all the great comments you guys!!

    Shruti- I am happy to say I just signed a contract with a place here in Eugene to hold a couple of workshops next year!
