Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Oracle


It occurred me to recently that we really get into trouble (emotionally) when we compare ourselves to others rather than shooting for personal best. Why do we do that?! I suppose it's built into our society, and probably there's a bit of good in it because it might push us to do better. But when we're first starting out with anything and we only compare ourselves to the very best, I think it can be just as DIScouraging as ENcouraging. I guess I've been thinking about it because I've been trying a few new things. I find if I can keep myself focused on my own baby steps, and understand it takes a long time to get good at anything, it keeps me excited enough to continue.


LibbybAnderson said...

I don't know who said it but I like the quote"Comparison is the thief of Joy". So true

Ruth Andre said...

Fun painting and excellent post.

Fay Terry said...

Great painting, Carol, along with words of wisdom. It could be so easy to get discouraged by comparison with others so I like to remind myself that art is not a competitive activity.

Anonymous said...

Very well said!!

cj roughton said...

Thanks Carol, I needed to hear that:) I have been trying to do everything (make the you tube, do the artwalk and all those social media sites!) instead of asking myself what I truly love to do. Your still life is beautiful, pink and silver so pretty:)

Unknown said...

I really appreciate what you have just said, thinking along those lines myself. Love your work by the way. Liz Yapp, UK

KayD said...

"focu on your own baby takes a long time to get good at anything"....paraphrased from your words. I'm going to keep those thoughts in mind. It's easy to be too critical about one's own work. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work and your thoughts!

Jo Mackenzie said...

Teddy Roosevelt once said "comparison kills joy". I want a bumper sticker that says that.
He was no softy and he lived in a very different time but he was right.

Anonymous said...

How wise and true! Since many of us who follow your blog tend to compare our work to yours, these are reassuring words! Keep on making those baby steps!

ricardo azkargorta celaya said...

I really like the combination of blue, very wisely used. Effective contrast of hot and cold colors.

Randi said...

Well said !! - my little guru

I need orange said...

I believe that comparing ourselves to others is always a bad idea, even when we are old hands with a technique or a medium.

I do a lot of reading. I have read about people who have been making their living from their work (which work I have admired for a LONG time) crumbling with "I'm not worthy" when comparing their work to that of others....

Perhaps that's the only good that can come of it -- perhaps when people who do amazing, gorgeous, wonderful work (people like you) share that feeling, it's encouraging to people like me who hope someday they will begin. I know that if someone like you has qualms when looking at someone else's work, it's universal, and that feeling that way doesn't mean I should give up before I begin.

Thank you. :-)