I recently had the honor of winning the Painting a Day Stickability Shield from Katherine Tyrell on Making a Mark. Thank you, Katherine!
I did these eggs above back in December after my regular light broke and I switched to my "white" light for a little while. Unbroken eggs are really hard to paint.
Love the eggs!
Wow! Love the unbroken eggs! They have the most wonderful light and shadow Carol! And I love that little spot in the bottom of the open eggshell...perfect! Hardest kind of egg to paint is on a while plate I think- you nailed it! Straight up is one of my favs!
Congratulations dear Carol on "The Painting a Day Stickability Shield 2012" You really deserve it!
'HOW nice is this!
You nailed the eggs...this is not an easy subject
Thanks for sharing this BEAUTY!
Congratulations, Carol. A well-deserved award!
Congratulations on the award!
Love the eggs .... always love your eggs!
I have to agree with Kathy....my favorite part of this painting is that tiny spec of egg white in the bottom of the broken shell. Fabulous painting in white!
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