
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Orange Tea


This is my last painting from 2012, and my last larger painting in reserve.

I had an idea about announcing new workshops. What if I pre-announce them? Well, that is what I'm going to try here and we'll see how it goes. I have one more to announce for this year, and I will do that this Wednesday, at 10am PST. This workshop will be in the fall of 2013, but I won't say where or exactly when until Wednesday, so check back then if you're interested.

Also, I wrote an article last year for Professional Artist Magazine and it just came out. It is 6 pages and whoever put it together did a fabulous job with the layout! -->

One more thing - I've been making a quilt, and if you're interested I've posted about it on my other blog.

Oh, and the Spyder software I got is 4 Pro (because some of you asked).


  1. Hi, I really love your paintings and of course I;m a big fun of your blog!!
    I have a little question... is it possible to find your article somewhere in the web, as I live a bit far away??
    Thank you!

  2. is going to be like sharks getting food trying to get into a class..heehaha. congrads on the article, looks good, will have to pick that one up! Wish me luck...oh.. just love those oranges! B-)

  3. Congratulations Carol on you article in the Professional Artist Magazine, that is wonderful!
    I also love your last painting, very striking.
    Best regards

  4. Congratulations Carol on the article!
    And the painting is stunning :0)

  5. I am a tea drinker I love the "Orange Tea". hehehaah Love the orange color...Wish me luck on trying to get a workshop on wed.!


  6. Congratulations on your article!

  7. That layout does look terrific! If you have a copy, you'll have to let me see. This 12x12" looks as immediate and energetic as your 6x6's. Gorgeous!

  8. OMG, I so want to be first in line for that class!!!!

  9. Congratulations, Carol. It has been a privilege watching your artistic journey.

  10. Thank you Carol for all of the information you share! Love your paintings!
