Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Aimless Pears

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Did I say I was going to do plein air? I meant plain pears. Ha! Just kidding. I have been having an absolute ball here in Georgia with my buds. Unfortunately most of it I cannot report, as we have agreed ... what happens in Georgia stays in ... well, you know. But I will do my best to photograph some of my work tomorrow so I can post it. I know I have at least 2 that are worth showing, and we'll be here 2 days more still.

ps. I have been mostly ignoring email (sorry - between painting, carrying on, giggling, eating, drinking and drinking some more, there hasn't been time) so if you emailed me I will get back to you ... eventually.


Chris Carter said...

I'm glad to hear that you have your priorities straight.

Ayala Art said...

Plain pear hehehehe I love them!

K R I S T I I N A said... your humor...
of course you´ve been busy painting...ignore all e-mail!
Good luck on you!

Peter Lee said...

Another masterpiece!
Love your bold strokes and vibrant colors.
Shadows are wonderful too.