
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Treasure Hunter

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I don't do a whole lot of paintings that are predominantly dark, but when I do I usually have trouble photographing them without glare. Especially here in Eugene and today since it rained all day. Not that I'm complaining. I will try again tomorrow and repost the photo. Meanwhile, I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving!!


  1. Je vous souhaite une très joyeuse Thanksgiving. Cette peinture est particulièrement adorable. J'aime la manière que vous avez réussi à rendre la brillance des boules de noël...
    Très joli travail.
    Gros bisous

  2. Wonderful painting-love the reflection of yellow in the silver ball. Photo looks great to me.
    Happy Thanksgiving to y'all too!

  3. Ooooh, the fisherman's reflection in the silver ball is really intriguing. In fact, the whole "scene" in that ball is wonderful surreal abstract!

  4. Great little painting. Your little sailor in the yellow raincoat has so much character. I bet photographing things without the Texas sun can be challenging. Happy Thanksgiving to you Carol. I'm thankful for you and all you and David do.

  5. He's fun...definitely dressed for your weather. Love the reflections in the ornaments.

  6. join the club - I have the same problem here in RI! Yup... just letting it dry helps. xo I love this painting!
