
Friday, November 25, 2011

Pear Migration

Click Here to Bid

Today, Black Friday, instead of joining the shopping masses, we drove out to the coast with the idea of taking a photo for the Marine Christmas card. It turned into a complete disaster because SOMEONE (I'm not naming names) forgot not only the tripod, but the memory card as well. It was a gorgeous day, and we consoled ourselves by collecting rocks. Ok ... it was all me, dang it - I forgot the stuff and I collected rocks. My poor guys.


  1. Lovely as usual. Not sure why, but feel somehow a little different than previous paintings. Smaller brush or more paint? Feel more detailed somehow.

  2. BUT you all had a great day, and have a nice memory for yourselves! :D
    You do so much, Carol, don't beat yourself up. There's always today!

  3. Haha, David, you are a Saint! But she's so darn good that we love her no matter what. :)

  4. I love the colors in the shadows of your migrating pears, Carole... and your clever ruse to get back over to the coast for another gorgeous day of collecting rocks!

  5. I could swear the blue in that shadow is lighter than the cloth. It's just much more intense. I had to look at it in black and white to convince myself. Far out! As usual.

  6. Nice! And love what's happening between the fork tines. As for the card - it had a perfect outcome according to the DPW News ; ) Cheers and Happy Holidays to you!

  7. Interesting colour combination.I like it.
