
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


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You'll never believe my luck! Someone wrote to me after my last post and said they had an entire set of these ship-guys (just like what I had) and is looking to get rid of them!! Thank you, Lilly!


  1. Carol, you deserve some good luck! Can't wait to see more of the Captain and his friends once you have a new set. By the way, love the new "digs"! Happy nesting!!!

  2. Yup; looks like you're in Oregon now!
    And what a stroke of luck to inherit the "ship-guys". You'll have fun with those. Love the expression on this guy's face. Did he just drink that whole bottle?????

  3. Awesome news Carol!! These little dudes are so charming!! (love these 2 paintings)

  4. Hooray! (insert "happy dance" here) New ship-mates are on their way! Can't wait to see the rest of the crew!

  5. Love your painting of The Captain! He will be so happy to have his crew with him soon! Can't wait to see those paintings. Keeping lots of positive thoughts going your way to help in any way possible for your new life in Oregon.

  6. Love your Captain. Bet his name is Stormy Weathers.
