
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Elvis Impression

Here is the first of my silly face series! I want to make very clear right from the start, these are NOT portaits!!! I'm not going for absolute likeness - I'm going for silly. If you recognize this person or it is you, please drop me a line with the name. And thank you - thank you so much for those of you who've sent me images. I've got some really great ones to work from, but will always accept more. Please email me your silly face.


  1. I think your foray into fumy faces is misguided.

  2. Love it. Especially how you did the lenses in the glasses. Can 't wait to see more.

    Hope you are enjoying your new home.

    Chris Werst

  3. I think your foray into funny faces is far overdue.
    Frankly, I can't wait to see more featured here.

    Were apples able to mug humorously, I am sure they would, if only for the fleeting pleasure they might receive at the opportunity to sit as fortunate subjects for you.

    Ditto for strawberries.

  4. I like this one. It's super fumy!

  5. I really like the close crop, and how you can barely see that one eye. This had to be fun to paint!


  6. I love it! I play Elvis's old songs when I'm painting in my studio. I wish you the best with the faces. I have two thoughts about painting subjects/models/themes, one can go the classical route--grapes, apples, wine jugs, brass pots, roses, nudes--and one can go mod--martini glasses, brass mice, cats, and silly faces. I love the direction you are going!

  7. I've got to comment on this after reading your second posting. I like it.

  8. Carol,
    Just catching up with blogs having been in mentoring classes for 3 days. Loved checking in and seeing this. Fun and fabulous! Love all the brushwork in the skin tones. The lens of the sunglasses are pure genius the way you painted them. Keep having fun and keep these coming! Love the silly faces series. Will have to send a photo soon:)

  9. Excellent idea and I look forward to each and every one.

  10. gosh the lips, the glasses, her top, great colors. I also love the reflections in the glasses.

  11. Looking forward to more! This a fresh new thing!
    Don't let the no-name turkeys get you down.

  12. Carol,
    I think this new direction is G.R.E.A.T. A shot in the arm, a new way of thinking about subject matter, applying your inimitable style in fresh, imaginative ways. I love them and they make me laugh!

    I've been a plein air and landscape painter for 11 years. Also seeking new directions, I was inspired by the leftover juicy paint on my palette one day and started painting little abstracts. Wow, what fun, what freedom! And to my surprise, some have sold during my current show giving me validation which may or may not be that important in the end.

    So the moral is don't stop, push forward, experiment. We'll be each other's inspiration!

    Susie Anderson, Honolulu

  13. Carol, Now I feel bad, because when i saw this painting yesterday i thought - FINALLY! - I couldn't wait to see your silly faces series and I thought "this one is awesome!! Love the composition, and especially the blue glasses and the frosty pick lipstick", but instead of posting, i was caught up in my own rush through the day as usual, and I DIDN'T post!
    Then today I read your next posting, and, well, I feel just HORRIBLE! I could have been your FIRST post about this new series, and that might have been just enough to dull the sting of that other un-enlightened person.
    Honestly, You GO! And do these because you WANT to, and I'll say now what i should have said before and that's "I think this is an incredibly saavy idea, working from other peoples' photos, because then those people will be inclined to BUY the resulting paintings. I wish I had thought of it!!" (BTW: I'm still waiting to see one of MY kids up here...)

  14. Ummmh, why would they be misguided? Well executed, tell a story, well designed.
    And they make me smile, an important end all on it's own.

  15. What fun! Great composition, and I love the glasses...looking forward to seeing the series unveil!

  16. I really like this portrait and I don't this that is is anything wrong with exploring new paths. It is fun and original idea to paint funny faces. I love the hint of the eyes behind the glasses, the fresh and suggestive brushwork and the way that you handled the mouth.

    You have been a great inspiration to me Carol!

  17. I love the angle and close up view of this. The right eye that is barely seen behind the lens is great!

  18. Carol,
    kudos to you for keeping from deleting hurtful comment #1! You are doing a great thing following your heart and listening to your instinct.
    Plus, if we thought you were going in a stupid direction, nobody would have sent you their funny faces.
    I can already see a nice gallery of funny faces and it'll look fantastic.

  19. I was dying to see your portraits. IT's a great idea and fun. Love the results. Not misguided. You are my biggest inspiration.

  20. Sometimes you have to do things for your own reasons.

    I can understand this person's point-of-view because maybe they have a strong interest in still-lifes(lives?). On the other hand, it's a blog, not a T.V. show. The point of posting is partly for the viewers and partly for the blogger.

    Can anyone help me here: What is the plural of "still-life"?

  21. I am very proud of you.I only paint what I want to paint.It works out better that way.Be true to your heart to your gift.

  22. Hi, Carol.You asked for the name of the subject of this painting. It is our daughter, Katie. It is marvelous and we are honored to purchase it to add to our collection. As a caricature artist & portrait artist, I am also looking forward to your upcoming gallery of funny faces! Enjoy, Eileen
