
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

One Eyed Don

This time I am including the reference photo, for your benefit, and mine, apparently. I see now that I painted this WAY too dark. I installed a florescent light above my easel and today I took out 2 of the 4 bulbs because I had a feeling I was painting too dark in general. Lesson learned.


  1. Carol, your faces are fabulous! Don is darker than the photo, but I love it just the way you painted it! Your skin tones are so perfect! After the "misguided" bologna, you are already knocking these faces out of the park! You shine! And if I haven't used enough exclamation marks, here's a few more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. No it isn't too dark - it's just right. Just because it doesn't look like the photo doesn't mean it's wrong!

  3. Beaucoup d'humour dans vos portraits et j'aime ça follement...
    Un beau travail...
    gros bisous

  4. Agree with Karen and margplum -- your interpretation of this face is perfect!!!! Love the 2-days-beard shadow!!!

  5. You changed his complexion and the lighting but this still made me laugh. It's great. I think it's one of your best funny faces. Awesome!

    It's darker than the reference but it sure looks true to life for a guy who got maybe a bit of a tan or is in darker lighting.

    Carry on and enjoy, this new series is fun!


  6. It is great the way it is! The darker tones add to the scowling mood. I'm slow, and don't understand about the lighting. Did too MUCH florescent light cause you to select darker values because of the glare on your painting surface? I love your results, regardless. You nailed this photo, and are masterful in your warm/cool shifts.

  7. margplum is exactly right.

  8. I totaly agree with Margplum and Karen.
    Great job Carol!

  9. Love it- you are capturing the essence and the attitude and that is what painting is all about. I don't think too dark...reads correctly so that is what matters. Fun to see the faces everyone is coming up with!

  10. What a great likeness is so few strokes! Fabulous!

  11. WAIT, Carol!! I think the photo is too bleached out! Your painting is MUCH more expressive.

  12. The value patterns within this painting all work just fine, because the overall darkness really makes the eye pop. A photo is just a starting point, you can do anything you want with it.

    Love this series; you're doing some wonderful things.

  13. I would have to agree with the other two comments. I really like the coloring as it is. Your work is very unique!

  14. Maybe it looks too dark because the eye is too close to the ear. Still a riveting pirate pose.

  15. Susan Cornell10/26/2011 7:18 AM

    Carol, I don't remember a painting ever making me chuckle out loud like this did. What a remarkable accomplishment! This series is delightful, and confirms that you've got "it"...that special magic that makes your work sing whatever the topic. Wonderful.

  16. very cool, I like the style!

  17. Dark or not , you captured the expression perfectly, beautifully done!

  18. Love, love, love that popeye expression!! This is so fun!

  19. Really funny face :) It is amazing how you've managed to capture the likeness with few strokes. You are brilliant!

  20. Welcome to Oregon from the northern coast! I just found your website and blog through WIFAS. I was moved by your story and truly hope your new life here in Oregon is wonderful. I am also inspired by your work and the whole new world it just opened for me! Thanks.

  21. Love the painting!!! But I understand what you mean about having too much light when you're painting. The extra light enables one to see small nuances of hue and value that aren't visible when the painting is viewed in "normal" lighting conditions.

  22. Do you know why pirates are pirates? They just ARRRRRRRRR! This is totally awesome.

  23. I love your paintings. Thanks for sharing.

  24. You really nailed it Carol, the likeness is amazing! Especially impressive since it's a 6x6. One question though, who is this fella and why isn't he wearing a shirt?!!
