
Monday, October 24, 2011

Faith Surprised

Above is my interpretation of Faith Te, one of our Daily Paintworks featured artists. And below are pictures of my kids in Jacksonville this last week. It was a good group, kind of quiet actually. I told them they could chat during the demos but they insisted on watching ... of all things!

Below are my demos from class (all sold). I thoroughly enjoyed doing still lifes again and am looking forward to  doing more once I get set up. I am having to replace everything in my studio and have made some interesting discoveries so far, which I will be sharing shortly.

And below are all my kids from Jacksonville. Someone always asks after I post these pictures - why not more guys? Honestly, I don't know. Maybe they are afraid of me? Don wasn't (orange shirt, below).

I've had several inquiries about purchasing this painting, so I decided to go ahead and auction this one.


  1. Another awesome interesting portrait!
    Your visit my DPW gallery widget on your blog isn't sending me to your gallery page... hasn't worked for about a week.
    Happy Painting,

  2. Very nice looking group of painters you had last week.
    Gotta love the fact that the crazy face paintings are already in demand! Way to go!

  3. What a wonderful surprise, to see Faith, who I know from Daily Painters Originals, with a silly face, big as life, tonight! And your demo's look great - really color popping and exciting. Follow your heart, girl, it will never steer you wrong! Breathe. You rock!

  4. Looks like a great group in Jax! Your demo pieces are stunning and so is today's "surprise." It boggles my mind how you are able to juggle the travel, the "organizing" each workshop, living in a new state, dealing with insurance aftermath, and getting settled, and you can still paint circles around the rest of us! Please let us know an address or PO box if you wish to recieve some still life fodder!!!!

  5. I saw the thumbnail of this painting on my blogroll list and it made me smile - Faith must be tickled pink to have such a delightful painting of herself!

    This is a really wonderful series you've embarked on, and I hope you carry on with it for...well, as long as you want, but I can't see ever getting sick of these funny faces :).

    It's really hard to believe you haven't been painting portraits for years, but it just goes to show that skill and experience transcends subject matter.

    Rock on, and I can see a Blurb book of these faces once you've decided to move on to something new.

  6. This is beautifully painted! I absolutely love her eyes..I enjoy painting portraits and you are such an inspiration:)

  7. Une belle balade à travers votre blog... gros bisous

  8. Great post, Carol- I always love reading about your workshops and seeing the demos you did!

  9. This is a great portrait, Carol! Wonderful planes to her face. And what beautiful lips!

  10. Hi Carol,
    I'm new to your blog and discovered that you'd be here in Jacksonville only after your workshop was full - I'd love to paint with you next time!

    Jaime Howard

  11. Wow, Your portraits are fab already. You learn fast. And I think you should sell some.

  12. Love the surprised Faith painting. I am looking at that gorgeous brushwork. The eyes- eyebrows- lips, Oh My! Loving seeing what you are doing with this series. Having fun for sure- Keep it up friend!
    I bet the Florida workshop was a blast- I knew several folks in it and would have loved to have been there! You were back in my time zone:)
    Wonderful post and hope you get some much needed rest soon!

  13. WOW! Love it! You never fail to inspire, Carol, both professionally and personally. THANK YOU!

  14. I guarentee people are going to want to buy this funny portrait too. It is fabulous. Love those lips! You are amazing.

  15. Your work is just so beautiful. The demo still lifes are so appealing, as always and I particularly like the last 2 faces. What a fun way to build your skill painting faces!

  16. What character....and what talent you have.....WONDERFUL!!

  17. I've had the same question about the menfolk. What's up with that? Don, you are the man! ;)

    Carol - I'm happy to see you're getting your groove back. Looking forward to an update on the other blog!

  18. I miss your still lives but please, oh please do not stop with the faces!! And Please give me first dibs on a portrait workshop in Central Texas!! We miss and adore you!! M

  19. i love how you manage to capture personality without the need to get all realistic-obsessed, which is what I struggle with.

  20. Love your funny face paintings - especially this one!
