I remember years ago being in a museum and seeing a Seargant painting for the first time. It was huge and hung above my head (why?) ... and the lowest thing I could see was a wine glass sitting on a low table. He had painted that glass with about 10, simple brush strokes. Maybe less. I turned to my husband (we had just met) and I said "I want to do that. I want to suggest things with paint." I feel I have really achieved that with this vase. It's really just a few simple strokes, strategically placed, but I think it reads like glass. Yes?
Oh, YES, it reads like glass. That is a spectacular painting, Carol. Wow!
I've never looked at it like that before carol! Wow I like that approach, i want to learn to do that also. I work so hard tryng to blend it to look like its suppose to that i end up frustrated. As soon as I'm through babysitting grandbabies I'm going to try that! Thanks for that little AHA moment.
It sure does, brilliant as ever!
Nah, sorry Carol, you need to go back to college and learn to impress the critics (!) See my latest blog post.................
Yeah, girl, you DID it! :)
Definitely!!!!! Yes it's glass and gorgeously painted. You are a master and so fun to watch you climb!!! The joy of paint! xoxo
Definitely reads like glass! Great story too :)
just beautiful...
YES! I love it too!! xo
You nailed it. Looks amazing. :)
Very nice--I like the pale green between the flowers too. Don't you love Sargent?
Yes! And yes you always have strategically placed strokes that are well thought out. That is why you are GOOD!! No mushy mess with you. Love the glass- sunflowers are just fun.
Wonderful painting, Carol! JSS would be very complimentary, no doubt!
It definitely reads like glass, and the sunflowers are fantastic.
I want to be able to do that too. Maybe it could be one of the challenges. Your paintings are just amazing! Thanks for the wonderful site.
you did and you DO!
Great challenge to give yourself to paint using fewer brushstrokes! You must see these arrangements in your head beforehand, Carol and have it mentally painted beforehand too, no?
You're constantly inspirational how do you do it
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