The owner of the Gold King Mine, Don, called these 2 the working girls. He explained why, but it was car specific and I can't remember. Sorry. But I thought they were super cool, especially in this dramatic morning light.
I'm off tomorrow for 5 days at Lost Maples State Park with my buddies Penny & Laurel. I am going to prepost some for when I'm gone - so as you won't miss me too much (I won't have my computer at all) : ) - and will post about the trip when I get home. If you email me and I don't write back right away - that's why. Thanks for understanding!
All these truck, car and plane paintings would make a great "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" Blurb book! Well, maybe no trains, but something like that. They are great.
Here in the UK "working girls" is a euphemism for hookers!
It´s obvious in these loose paintings that you know what you´re doing. They are skillfully simplified, reduced to the minimum detail without loosing the essential elements.
That´s something I can only aspire to.
Keep up the great work.
Love all the truck and airplane paintings. I especially like "Lemon."
Late, but congratulations on your book cover painting!
Have fun with your friends. Looking forward to seeing what you'll paint at Lost Maples.
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