When we were in Germany this last May we took a day trip to Freiburg. Unforunately it was overcast and cold all day, but we visited this cool market and I took lots of photos anyway. This was my favorite and I've been wanting to paint it ever since. It was a real challenge it being so busy, but I really wanted to get the feel of a market in the middle of town.
The whole painting is absolutely wonderful Great job!
I love your people paintings.
Nice to see the figurative work.
You got their facial expressions in such a tiny painting! Love the striped jersey too.
Love it - love the postures of these two - the panting is very natural and there is a sense of movement behind them too - how do you do it???? ! I love this!
I love your people paintings too. This one of the market is definitely challenging but you've really caught the atmosphere and inspite of all that information you've got the balance just right. I especially love the looseness of the brushstrokes. It's great!
Give me a break!! You can do People too!!!Your style lends itself perfectly to these 'people' scenes. I'm getting so envious of your easy going but confident works. I tip my hat to you.
This is a great series Carol!
You say in five strokes what it seems to take me 20. I learn when I look at your work.
Whether a cup or a figure, it just is so Carol Marine! I love your figures.
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